
Database code for newsdata (logs analysis project)

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Database code for newsdata (logs analysis project) Outputs the answers to three questions.

  1. What are the most popular three articles of all time?
  2. Who are the most popular article authors of all time?
  3. On which days did more than 1% of requests lead to errors?


This program requires Python 3 to be installed. Get it here.
It also requires vagrant to be installed and configured with a specific vagrantfile provided by Udacity for this assignment.
Finally, it requires newsdata.sql to be populated in the same vagrant directory. newsdata.sql is also provided by Udacity for this assignment.
The assignment instructions specify not to include those files here, so if you do not already have them (IE, you are not an instructor or classmate) Then you will not be able to run this program.


To summerise the instructions into a shortened version: Download, extract, move or copy newsdata.py into your vagrant directory, run vagrant up, vagrant ssh, cd into "/vagrant", then run newsdata.py in python3.
If you need further instructions, don't worry- just keep reading.

First download these files by clicking the green button on GitHub that says Clone or download, then click Download Zip.
Next, you'll need to extract the zip file you downloaded. It will be named newsdata.zip.

Windows Users:

  • Open Windows Explorer (or any folder) and browse to the location you downloaded newsdata.zip to.
  • Right-click newsdata.zip and then left-click "Extract All...". (A new window will pop up that says "Extract Compressed (Zipped) Folders" at the top.)
  • Click the button that says "Extract" at the bottom. This will make a new folder called newsdata (without the .zip at the end).
  • You can now delete the .zip folder as it is no longer needed.
  • Open the newsdata folder.

Now you can move or copy newsdata.py into your vagrant directory. This directory should already be set up with newsdata.sql. See the Requirements section above.

Once your files are together in your vagrant directory, open your terminal of choice (I recommend GitBash for Windows users) and type the following commands:
"vagrant up"
"vagrant ssh"
"cd /vagrant"
"python3 newsdata.py"

Mac Users:

  • Open The Finder and search for newsdata or browse to where you downloaded it.
  • Select the zip file and click "Unzip" at the top center of The Finder window. (If you don't see "Unzip"), then...
  • Right-click the file newsdata.zip
  • left-click "Open With...",
  • left-click "Archive Utility".

Now you can move or copy newsdata.py into your vagrant directory. This directory should already be set up with newsdata.sql. See the Requirements section above.

Once your files are together in your vagrant directory, open your terminal and type the following commands:
"vagrant up"
"vagrant ssh"
"cd /vagrant"
"python3 newsdata.py"

Terminal Users (Linux, Mac, or Windows):

  • Open Terminal.
  • Navigate to the directory where you downloaded or cloned newsdata. (Use cd to change directory and ls or dir to list what's in your current directory.)

Now you can move or copy newsdata.py into your vagrant directory. This directory should already be set up with newsdata.sql. See the Requirements section above.

Once your files are together in your vagrant directory, type the following commands:
"vagrant up"
"vagrant ssh"
"cd /vagrant"
"python3 newsdata.py"

Notes reguarding VIEWS

The instructions for this assignment state that If the code relies on views created in the database, the README file includes the create view statements for these views. (If the code does not depend on views, ignore this requirement.)
Well, my code is using a custom View, but no action is needed by the user to make this view because I built that into the code. All the user (or grading instructor) has to do is run newsdata.py and it will automatically create or update the view it uses before executing the queries.

None the less it won't hurt to make the view outside of my script because my script will check and update it if needed, so here is the psql to recreate the view:

SELECT(REPLACE(log.path, '/article/', '')) AS
slug FROM log
WHERE log.path != '/';

For your convenience I have placed this code in a file called views.sql here so that you can recreate the views from your terminal after you have imported newsdata.sql.

To do so, use the following psql command:
psql -d news -f views.sql

Again, this step is not necessary since newsdata.py will create the views for you.

Notes reguarding Output

I have included output.txt here as an example of the output of this program.


MIT Licesne found here