
Access objects remotely over a network

Primary LanguageAutoHotkeyMIT LicenseMIT


Access objects remotely over a network


Publishing an Object to the Network

ObjToPublish := new Test() ; This is the object that will be published
Bind_Addr := "" ; Only accept connections from localhost
Bind_Port := 1337 ; Listen for connections on port 1337

Server := new RemoteObj(ObjToPublish, [Bind_Addr, Bind_Port])

class Test {
	InputBox(Prompt) {
		InputBox, Out, % this.Title, %Prompt%
		return Out

Connecting to a Published Object

Remote_Addr := "" ; Connect to local host
Remote_Port := 1337 ; Connect to port 1337

Remote := new RemoteObjClient([Remote_Addr, Remote_Port])

Remote.Title := "Hello World!"
MsgBox, % Remote.InputBox("Type something!")