
Install and configure Geth (Go-Ethereum), a Go based command-line and API server interface for running an ethereum node

Primary LanguageRuby

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Ansible Role 💻 🔗 Geth

Galaxy Role GitHub release (latest by date) Downloads Build Status License: MIT

Table of Contents

Ansible role that installs, configures and runs Geth: a command-line interface and API server for operating an ethereum node.

Supported Platforms:
* Debian
* MacOS
* Redhat(CentOS/Fedora)
* Ubuntu


Requires the unzip/gtar utility to be installed on the target host. See ansible unarchive module notes for details.

Role Variables

Variables are available and organized according to the following software & machine provisioning stages:

  • install
  • config
  • launch
  • uninstall


gethcan be installed using OS package management systems (e.g apt, homebrew) or compressed archives (.tar, .zip) downloaded and extracted from various sources.

The following variables can be customized to control various aspects of this installation process, ranging from software version and the source location of binaries to the installation directory where they are stored:

geth_user: <service-user-name> (default: geth)

  • dedicated service user and group used by geth for privilege separation (see here for details)

install_type: <package | archive> (default: archive)

  • package: ONLY supported by Ubuntu and MacOS, package installation of Geth pulls the lastest package available for either platform from the Ubuntu PPA (Personal Package Archive) or the Mac Homebrew formulae repository.
    • Note that the installation directory is determined by the package management system and currently defaults to /usr/bin/geth for Linux and /usr/local/bin/geth for MacOS.
  • archive: compatible with both tar and zip formats, archive installation binaries can be obtained from local and remote compressed archives either from the official download/releases site or by those generated from development or custom versions of the tool.

archive_url: <path-or-url-to-archive> (default: see defaults/main.yml)

  • address of a compressed tar or zip package containing geth binaries. This method technically supports installation of any available version of geth. Links to official versions can be found here.

install_dir: </path/to/installation/dir> (default: see defaults/main.yml | vars/...)

  • path on target host where the geth binaries should be extracted to


Configuration of the geth client can be expressed in a config file written in TOML, a minimal markup language, used as an alternative to passing command-line flags at runtime. To get an idea how the config should look you can use the geth dumpconfig subcommand to export a client's existing configuration.

The following variables can be customized to manage the location and content of this TOML configuration:

config_dir: </path/to/configuration/dir> (default: /etc/geth)

  • path on target host where the geth TOML configuration should be stored

geth_config: {"<config-section>": {"<section-setting>": "<setting-value>",..},..} default: see defaults/main.yml

  • Any configuration setting/value key-pair supported by geth should be expressible within the geth_config hash and properly rendered within the associated TOML config. Values can be expressed in typical yaml/ansible form (e.g. Strings, numbers and true/false values should be written as is and without quotes).

    Furthermore, configuration is not constrained by hardcoded author defined defaults or limited by pre-baked templating. If the config section, setting and value are recognized by the geth tool, 👍 to define within geth_config.

    A list of configurable settings can be found here.

    Keys of the geth_config hash represent TOML config sections:

      # [TOML Section 'Shh']
      Shh: {}

    Values of geth_config[<key>] represent key,value pairs within an embedded hash expressing config settings:

      # TOML Section '[Shh]'
        # Section setting MaxMessageSize with value of 1048576
        MaxMessageSize: 1048576


Running the geth client and API server, either in its RPC, IPC or WS-RPC form, is accomplished utilizing the systemd or launchd service management tools, for Linux and MacOS platforms respectively. Launched as background processes or daemons subject to the configuration and execution potential provided by the underlying management frameworks, the geth client and API servers can be set to adhere to system administrative policies right for your environment and organization.

The following variables can be customized to manage Geth's execution profile/policy:

extra_run_args: <geth-cli-options> (default: see defaults/main.yml)

  • list of geth commandline arguments to pass to the binary at runtime for customizing launch.

Supporting full expression of geth's cli, this variable enables the role of target hosts to be customized according to the user's specification; whether to activate a particular API protocol listener, connect to a pre-configured Ethereum test or production network or whatever is supported by geth.

A list of available command-line options can be found here.


Connect to either the Ropsten PoW(proof-of-work) or Rinkeby PoA(proof-of-authory) pre-configured test network:

  - '--ropsten' # PoW
# ...or...
  - '--rinkeby' # PoA

Enhance logging and debugging capabilities for troubleshooting issues:

  - --debug
  - '--verbosity 5'
  - '--trace /tmp/geth.trace'

Enable client and server profiling for analytics and testing purposes:

  - --pprof
  - '--memprofilerate 1048576'
  - '--blockprofilerate 1'
  - '--cpuprofile /tmp/geth-cpu-profile'

custom_unit_properties: <hash-of-systemd-service-settings> (default: [])

  • hash of settings used to customize the [Service] unit configuration and execution environment of the Geth systemd service.


Support for uninstalling and removing artifacts necessary for provisioning allows for users/operators to return a target host to its configured state prior to application of this role. This can be useful for recycling nodes and roles and perhaps providing more graceful/managed transitions between tooling upgrades.

The following variable(s) can be customized to manage this uninstall process:

perform_uninstall: <true | false> (default: false)

  • whether to uninstall and remove all artifacts and remnants of this geth installation on a target host (see: handlers/main.yml for details)


  • 0x0i.systemd

Example Playbook

Basic setup with defaults:

- hosts: all
  - role: 0x0I.geth

Launch an Ethereum light client and connect it to the Rinkeby PoA (Proof of Authority) test network:

- hosts: light-client
  - role: 0x0I.geth
          SyncMode: light
        - --rinkeby

Run a full Ethereum node using "fast" sync-mode (only process most recent transactions), enabling both the RPC server interface and client miner and overriding the (block) data directory:

- hosts: full-node
  - role: 0x0I.geth
          SyncMode: fast
          DataDir: /mnt/geth
        - --rpc
        - --nousb
        - '--rpcaddr=""'
        - '--mine --miner.threads 16'



Author Information

This role was created in 2019 by O1.IO.