
Primary LanguageJavaScript


A game based off of a scene from "The Big Bang Theory." Yes, it's that nerdy.

Elemental Powers

Various characters have elemental powers. They are either Scientific, Magical, Brute or Neutral. The power increases are shown below, with Neutral having no effect.

 ___     _                      _____\    _______    __  __           _
/ __| __(_)___ _ _  __ ___     /      \  |      /\  |  \/  |__ _ __ _(_)__
\__ \/ _| / -_) ' \/ _/ -_)   /_______/  |_____/  \ | |\/| / _` / _` | / _|
|___/\__|_\___|_||_\__\___|  |   \   /        /   / |_|  |_\__,_\__, |_\__|
                              \   \         \/   /              |___/
                               \  /          \__/_
                                \/ ____    /\
                                  /  \    /  \
                                 /\   \  /   /
                                   \   \/   /
                                ___          _
                               | _ )_ _ _  _| |_ ___
                               | _ \ '_| || |  _/ -_)
                               |___/_|  \_,_|\__\___|

The attack force of say, a Magic character attacking a Brute character would be multiplied by 1.5, causing more damage in battle. There is no effect on the Brute character's stats.


  ___ _____  _ _______  __  
 / __|__ / \| |__ / _ \/  \ 
| (_ ||_ \ .` ||_ \   / () |