- 3
Rails 7 support
#76 opened by brunoprietog - 0
Using Github Actions instead of Travis?
#75 opened by erikaxel - 5
- 3
Support for Rails 6.1
#73 opened by tristanleigh1 - 2
Audited gem
#68 opened by richardrails - 2
- 1
Rails 6.0.0 Support
#64 opened by kevinelliott - 5
nested ActiveModel objects
#55 opened by ditsara - 2
define conditional attributes
#63 opened by tomkr4l - 3
3.0.0 File permissions issue
#62 opened by nedcampion - 3
Empty string is converted to nil automatically
#49 opened by ldlgds2 - 4
Update single attribute in hash column
#45 opened by NomNomCameron - 9
- 4
- 2
Use with Ransack
#44 opened by michaelminter - 3
Support namespace
#46 opened by radubogdan - 2
Any support for responding to Enums?
#43 opened by henrymzhao - 4
Encrypt stored data
#42 opened by russellseymour - 0
- 2
Default value based on another value?
#35 opened by mscoutermarsh - 9
Scopes working odd (i.e. might not work)
#31 opened by radubogdan - 2
Mutating an array setting using <<
#27 opened by jimmybaker - 2
Methods like _was, _changed? are not working
#28 opened by stebo - 10
Idea: Predicate method for Boolean values
#15 opened by mscoutermarsh - 1
- 2
ActiveModel complains about missing attributes when using select on Storext model
#21 opened by jpmoral - 0
When `select` is specified and serialised column is not selected, exception is raised
#19 opened by ramontayag - 2
- 0
`default` does not work as expected
#7 opened by ramontayag