Create the layout for the design above. Feel free to use Bootstrap or to do something more customized of your own.
Make sure to organize your code so as to have the necessary IDs.
Incorporate text boxes for capturing User Input. Then research how to retrieve the input values in JavaScript
Do preliminary research on the API.
Register for an API Key.
Understand what format the URL should look like to make an Article Call. (Hint: Use the API Console!!)
Experiment with console logging various fields.
Begin creating basic click events. Register the submit button
Create working transfers of data between the text-boxes and the backend.
Experiment with creating content regions for where the article will go.
Create the AJAX call needed to retrieve data then console.log all of the relevant fields.
Incorporate various “optional parameters” (hard code these in initially).
Take note of various “bugs” that appear with certain searches.
- Display the HTML content!!
Continue polishing the display of content in the HTML.
Consider adding styling or other jQuery tricks.
Consider using Bootswatch and/or Font Awesome to add more visual appeal
- Put in a hard-effort to deal with bugs. How can you handle missing fields?
Deploy your app to GitHub Pages!
Then slack your links to your instructors + TAs