Homework Assignment #2

My goal in this assignment was to create a basic responsive portfolio website using bootstrap elements.

Screenshot of Contact.html on a x-small viewport.

Screenshot of Contact.html on a x-small viewport.

Screenshot of Contact.html on a medium viewport.

Screenshot of Contact.html on a medium viewport.

Screenshot of Contact.html on a large viewport.

Screenshot of Contact.html on a large viewport.

Link to Deployed Project


This assignment involved using Bootstrap's mobile-first framework to create a responsive portfolio website. I was tasked with creating three pages: index.html, portfolio.html and contact.html.

I used bootstrap elements as the basic framework for each page: index.html: navbar for the header, card for the "About Me" Section, navbar for the footer. portfolio.html: navbar for the header, cards for the project cards, navbar for the footer. contact.html: navbar for the header, input group for the contact form, navbar for the footer.

I added to the basic bootstrap styles with my own CSS styles.