
A script to run fine-grained entity, relation and event extraction

Primary LanguageShell

UIUC Information Extraction Pipeline

One single script to run text information extraction, including fine-grained entity extraction, relation extraction and event extraction.

Table of Contents




Docker (Please do not set up UIUC IE Pipeline in a NAS, as the EDL needs MongoDB, which may lead to permission issues in a NAS.)

Quick Start

Running on raw text data

  • Prepare a data directory data containing sub-directories rsd and ltf. The rsd sub-directory contains RSD (Raw Source Data, ending with *.rsd.txt), and ltf sub-directory has LTF (Logical Text Format, ending with *.ltf.xml) files.
    docker run --rm -v ${ltf_dir}:${ltf_dir} -v ${rsd_dir}:${rsd_dir} -i limanling/uiuc_ie_m36 /opt/conda/envs/py36/bin/python /aida_utilities/rsd2ltf.py --seg_option nltk+linebreak --tok_option nltk_wordpunct --extension .rsd.txt ${rsd_dir} ${ltf_dir}
    • If you have LTF files, please use the AIDA ltf2rsd tool (LDC2018E62_AIDA_Month_9_Pilot_Eval_Corpus_V1.0/tools/ltf2txt/ltf2rsd.perl) to generate the RSD files.
  • Start services
sh set_up_m36.sh
  • Run the scripts. Note that the file paths are absolute paths.
sh pipeline_full_en.sh ${data_root} ${GPU_id}

For example,

sh pipeline_full_en.sh ${PWD}/data/testdata_dryrun 0

If there is no gpu, please only set the data_root parameter:

sh pipeline_full_en.sh ${data_root}

AIDA M36: Running LDC corpus and link entities to LDC released KB

sh pipeline_sample_m36.sh ${data_root_ldc} ${kb_data_dir} ${output_dir} ${parent_child_tab} ${en_asr_path} ${en_ocr_path} ${ru_ocr_path} ${thread_num}

where parent_child_tab is the file meta data in docs of LDC corpus. kb_data_dir is the data directory of a LDC released KB, such as ${PWD}/data/LDC2020E27_AIDA_Phase_2_Practice_Topics_Reference_Knowledge_Base_V1.1/data. For example,

sh pipeline_sample_m36.sh ${PWD}/data/LDC2020E29 ${PWD}/data/LDC2020E27_AIDA_Phase_2_Practice_Topics_Reference_Knowledge_Base_V1.1/data ${PWD}/output/output_dryrun_E29_test ${PWD}/data/LDC2020E11_AIDA_Phase_2_Practice_Topic_Source_Data_V1.0/docs/parent_children.tab ${PWD}/output/output_dryrun_E11_asr_aln ${PWD}/data/video.ocr/en.cleaned.csv ${PWD}/data/video.ocr/ru.cleaned.csv 20

If there is no ASR and OCR files, please use None as input, e.g.,

sh pipeline_sample_m36.sh ${PWD}/data/LDC2020E29 ${PWD}/data/LDC2020E27_AIDA_Phase_2_Practice_Topics_Reference_Knowledge_Base_V1.1/data ${PWD}/output/output_dryrun_E29_test ${PWD}/data/LDC2020E11_AIDA_Phase_2_Practice_Topic_Source_Data_V1.0/docs/parent_children.tab None None None 20

Run on reduced version

Reduced Version disables the functions that will take long runningtime, including the functions of entity filler extraction (time, value, title, etc), part of fine-grained event extraction, etc.

sh pipeline_reduced.sh ${data_root_ltf} ${data_root_rsd} ${output_dir}

For example,

sh pipeline_reduced.sh ${PWD}/data/testdata_dryrun/ltf ${PWD}/data/testdata_dryrun/rsd ${PWD}/output/output_reduced_dryrun

Run on multimedia data

Step 1. Data preparation

Please prepare the input data file structure:

- CU_toolbox
- data 

where docs/video_data.msb and docs/masterShotBoundary.msb are empty files and data/video_shot_boundaries/representative_frames is an empty directory. docs/parent_children.tab contains meta data of images and text documents in the format of

catalog_id	version	parent_uid	child_uid	url	child_asset_type	topic	lang_id	lang_manual	rel_pos	wrapped_md5	unwrapped_md5	download_date	content_date	status_in_corpus

separated by TAB. If one image (e.g., image_1.jpg) and one text document (e.g., text_1.ltf.xml) belongs to the same news article (e.g., doc_1), then it should be formatted as:

gaia v1 doc_1 image_1 0 .jpg 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
gaia v1 doc_1 text_1 0 .ltf.xml 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Please avoid . in the file names and use JPG as image suffix.

The sample code of preparation is in uiuc_ie_pipeline_fine_grained/multimedia/sample_data_preparation.py.

Please find the sample data and result in sample_data. The CU_toolbox can be downloaded in CU_toolbox.

Step 2. Object detection and cross-media coreference

Please run uiuc_ie_pipeline_fine_grained/multimedia/multimedia.sh to extract objects from images, and perform cross-media coreference. The object results are saved in cu_objdet_results/aida_output_34.pkl(pickle format), and grounding results are saved in cu_grounding_results(pickle format) and cu_graph_merging_ttl (RDF format). Please find the grounding result visualization code in uiuc_ie_pipeline_fine_grained/multimedia/visualize_ttl_grounding.py using the RDF format output.

Source Code

Please find source code in https://github.com/limanling/uiuc_ie_pipeline_finegrained_source_code.


GAIA system is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3 or later.


  title={GAIA: A Fine-grained Multimedia Knowledge Extraction System},
  author={Li, Manling and Zareian, Alireza and Lin, Ying and Pan, Xiaoman and Whitehead, Spencer and Chen, Brian and Wu, Bo and Ji, Heng and Chang, Shih-Fu and Voss, Clare and others},
  booktitle={Proceedings of the 58th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics: System Demonstrations},