
Evaluate the Quality of Critique

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The Critique of Critique

This is the official repository for The Critique of Critique.


  • [2024/05/15] Our paper has been accepted to Findings of ACL 2024! 🎉

Table of contents


We introduce MetaCritique, a new judge that can effectively evaluate human-written or LLMs-generated critique by generating critique.

Meta-P: precision score of MetaCritique that evaluates factuality of hypothesis critique.

Meta-R: recall score of MetaCritique that evaluates comprehensiveness of hypothesis critique.

Meta-F1: overall rating that is harmonic mean of precision score and recall score.

Here is an example:


We release the benchmarking results of multiple critique models.

Critique Model Meta-Precision Meta-Recall Meta-F1 score
AUTO-J 76.43 70.65 71.14
GPT 3.5 80.79 64.27 68.72
UltraCM 73.64 66.77 67.79
Human Critique from Shepherd 83.19 60.65 64.02
SelFee 69.56 51.05 54.22

Quick Start

General Usage


pip install meta-critique


from meta_critique import MetaCritique
api_key = ...  # here is your OpenAi key
inputs = [
            {"question": "<question>", "response": "<response1>", "hypothesis_critique": "<hypothesis_critique>"},
            {"question": "<question>", "response": "<response2>", "hypothesis_critique": "<hypothesis_critique>"},

meta_critique_instance = MetaCritique(
precision_score, recall_score, f1_score = meta_critique_instance.score(inputs)


  • question: The user query for the model to generate the response.
  • response: The response generated by the model.
  • hypothesis_critique: The critique written by either human or LLMs.
  • reference_answer: (Optional) The reference answer.
  • reference_critique: (Optional) The reference critique.
    • str: a critique text
    • dict: {"critique": <reference_critique>, "aius": <optional_aius_from_reference_critique>}

You can find a test sample from eval_examples/test_samples.json

Developer Usage


You are encouraged to create a virtual environment through conda.

conda create -n your_env_name python==3.9
conda activate your_env_name
git clone git@github.com:GAIR-NLP/MetaCritique.git
cd MetaCritique

Then, we have to install all the libraries listed in requirements.txt.

pip install -r requirements.txt


Our implementation is based on GPT-4, so you should config your openai API in the file (meta_critique/openai_config.py).

We provide two options to run MetaCritique evaluation.

Option 1: If you can stably use OpenAI api, we provide a one-step version of MetaCritique.

Option 2: If you cannot stably use OpenAI api, we provide a step-by-step version of MetaCritique with cache. When you fail in middle step, you can restart your code and continue to calculate MetaCritique scores.

Option 1: Calculate MetaCritique scores in one line

python meta_critique/meta_critique.py --benchmark_data data/benchmark_data.json --hyp_critique eval_examples/hypothesis_critique.json --out output/hypothesis_eval_results.json

Option 2: Calculate MetaCritique scores step by step

Our benchmark_data.json provides reference answer and reference critique with aius extracted by GPT-4, so you can skip step 1-3. We also provide a test hypothesis critique in eval_examples/hypothesis_critique.json.

Step by Step Usage (click to toggle the content)
1. generate reference answer
python meta_critique/generate_ref_answer.py --data data/benchmark_data.json --out output/ref_answer.json
2. generate reference critique
python meta_critique/generate_ref_critique.py --data data/benchmark_data.json --out output/ref_critique.json
3. extract aius of reference critique
python meta_critique/extracting_aius_for_critique.py --data output/ref_critique.json --critique output --out output/reference_aius.json
4. extract aius of hypothesis critique
python meta_critique/extracting_aius_for_critique.py --data eval_examples/hypothesis_critique.json --critique output --out output/hypothesis_aius.json
5. merge all files into one
python meta_critique/merge_files.py --data data/benchmark_data.json --hyp_critique eval_examples/hypothesis_critique.json --hyp_aius output/hypothesis_aius.json --out output/hypothesis_eval_examples.json
6. conduct precision tasks
python meta_critique/evaluate_aiu_precision.py --data output/hypothesis_eval_data.json --out output/hypothesis_precision.json
7. conduct recall tasks
python meta_critique/evaluate_aiu_recall.py --data output/hypothesis_eval_data.json --out output/hypothesis_recall.json
8. calculate scores of precision, recall, f1_score
python meta_critique/cal_meta_scores.py --data output/hypothesis_eval_data.json --precision output/hypothesis_precision.json --recall output/hypothesis_recall.json --out output/hypothesis_eval_results.json


Annotation Data is the meta-evaluation dataset with human annotation.

Benchmark Data is used for leaderboard, including question, model-generated answer, reference answer, reference critique and AIUs from reference critique.


If you find our work useful or use MetaCritique, please cite our paper:

  title={The Critique of Critique},
  author={Shichao Sun and Junlong Li and Weizhe Yuan and Ruifeng Yuan and Wenjie Li and Pengfei Liu},
  journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2401.04518},