
Turing Mod 2 Final Solo Project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Travel Tracker

Turing Mod 2 final solo project

This project created a simple app to track users' travel plans and data. It was designed to demonstrate simple interactions with a remote API. It utilizes fetch and post calls to interact with a remote dataset. The underlying structure is vanilla JavaScript, with a focus on Object Oriented Programming utilizing SRP and DRY code.

Technologies Used

This project uses:

  • JavaScript
  • HTML
  • CSS
  • Node
  • Mocha
  • Chai
  • Webpack

Goals and Objectives:

  • Implement ES6 classes that communicate to each other as needed.
  • Use object and array prototype methods to perform data manipulation.
  • Create a dashboard that is easy to use and displays information in a clear way.
  • Write modular, reusable code that follows SRP (Single Responsibility Principle).
  • Implement a robust testing suite using TDD.
  • Make network requests to retrieve data.
  • Make network POST requests to add data to a server.


Clone this repository to your local machine. After cloning run:

npm install

To verify that it is setup correctly, run npm start in your terminal. Go to http://localhost:8080/ and you should see the project login page. Enter control + c in your terminal to stop the server at any time.

For the project to function you will need a remote server for the API calls. In order to use the API calls, clone this repository: https://github.com/turingschool-examples/travel-tracker-api.git After cloning, follow the setup instructions.

To log into the page, use the user name "traveler" + (a number between 1 and 50). Use the password "travel".