A Robust Low-Rank Matrix Completion Based on Truncated Nuclear Norm and Lp-norm

Primary LanguageMATLABMIT LicenseMIT


MATLAB code for "A Robust Low-Rank Matrix Completion Based on Truncated Nuclear Norm and Lp-norm".

If you use the code, please cite our paper:

[1] Liang, Hao and Li, Kang and Huang, Jianjun. "A robust low-rank matrix completion based on truncated nuclear norm and Lp-norm", The Journal of Supercomputing, 2022.


MovieLens-1M Experiment

The MovieLens-1M dataset is available in the following paper:

[2] Harper, F Maxwell and Konstan, Joseph A. "The movielens datasets: History and context", Acm transactions on interactive intelligent systems (tiis), 2015.

As for the comparison methods...

Please check the accompanying license and the license of [2] before using.

@ All rights are reserved by the authors.