
About segmentation and object bounding box

LaFeuilleMorte opened this issue · 1 comments

感谢大佬的工作,太牛了。顺便问一下大佬会不会在这个repo里加入一些支持3D Gaussian 点云的编辑算法(分割,伪label,in-paint,removal等)。

Thanks for following our work! Honestly, we haven't yet considered segmentation and other downstream tasks. Currently, our focus is on integrating the backbone network and the training strategy, such as densification and initialization, for more general methods. We would leave addressing this issue as an enhancement for future development

非常感谢您关注我们的工作! 我们暂时没有考虑分割和其他下游任务。 目前,我们开发的主线是集成通用网络和训练策略,例如稠密化和初始化。其他下游任务后期会考虑进行开发