
Modification of the semantic-menu plugin to work with Fat Free CRM

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

= Fat Free Semantic Menu
Fat Free Semantic Menu is a multi-level menu plugin for use with Fat Free CRM by Michel Dvorkin.  This is based on danielharan's SemanticMenu plugin.

I haven't customized the CSS yet to actually look decent with Fat Free CRM. 

= Here's how to use this plugin

1.  Add the menu items and level 1 and level 2 children to config/settings.yml as follows:

:tabs: [
  { :active : true,  :text : "Dashboard",     :url : { :controller : "/"              } }, 
  { :active : false, :text : "Tasks",         :url : { :controller : "tasks"          } ,
    :children : [ { :active : false, :text : "Level 1 child 1",      :url : { :controller : "home"          },
                    :children : [ { :active : false, :text : "Level 2 child 1",   :url : { :controller : "home"  }},
                                  { :active : false, :text : "Level 2 child 2",   :url : { :controller : "home"  }} ]
                  { :active : false, :text : "Level 1 child 2",     :url : { :controller : "campaigns"      } } ]
  { :active : false, :text : "Campaigns",     :url : { :controller : "campaigns"      } },
  { :active : false, :text : "Leads",         :url : { :controller : "leads"          } },
  { :active : false, :text : "Accounts",      :url : { :controller : "accounts"       } },
  { :active : false, :text : "Contacts",      :url : { :controller : "contacts"       } },
  { :active : false, :text : "Opportunities", :url : { :controller : "opportunities"  } }

2.  Run 'rake crm:settings:load' to load the settings to the database.

3.  In app/views/layouts/_tabbed.html.haml, replace the following lines:

    - tabs.each do |tab|
      %li= link_to(tab[:text], tab[:url], :class => tab[:active] ? "active" : "")
With these lines:

  = fat_free_semantic_menu

4.  Start up your server and see the new multi-level menu.  Obviously, we need some CSS work to make this look alright.  But this is a start...

The plugin sets the active tab based on the @current_tab instance variable set within the controller.  If @current_tab is nil, it attempts to find the current tab by matching the request URL to each menu item's link.