
Primary LanguageTypeScript

Mailboy 📨

A webserver that sends mail for you.

Just POST an email to him and he'll send it for you.

How to use

🛠️ Install Deno 2.0

✏️ Configuration:

The first time you run mailboy it will ask you if you want to create a config.json, select yes and fill it out, then run it again and it will start.

⌨️ Open a terminal in the directory

Dev mode:

deno task dev


deno task compile:win
deno task compile:linux

📨 Make a POST request to the server

POST body:
  to: comma separated like of email addresses
  subject: subject of the email
  text?: (optional) plain text body
  html?: (optional) html body
text and html are optional, you can use either, both or neither 

In Powershell:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://your_server:port -Method POST -Body @{to="email@to.send.to,another@email";subject="Email Subject";html="Body of email"}

✔️ You'll receive a status of either:

  • 200: Success
  • 403: Not on allowed list
  • 500: Failure