A webserver that sends mail for you.
Just POST an email to him and he'll send it for you.
The first time you run mailboy it will ask you if you want to create a config.json, select yes and fill it out, then run it again and it will start.
Dev mode:
deno task dev
deno task compile:win
deno task compile:linux
POST body:
to: comma separated like of email addresses
subject: subject of the email
text?: (optional) plain text body
html?: (optional) html body
text and html are optional, you can use either, both or neither
In Powershell:
Invoke-WebRequest -Uri http://your_server:port -Method POST -Body @{to="email@to.send.to,another@email";subject="Email Subject";html="Body of email"}
- 200: Success
- 403: Not on allowed list
- 500: Failure