Office Sign

Electron edition

This is an electron version of my digital office sign.

It can dispay configurable messages and timers.


  • Different statuses (Open, Closed, etc)
  • Adjustable timer ⏲️
  • Timer triggered changes ⚡
  • Launch on Startup 🌅

Open and Closed


  • Number Keys 0-9: Switch between messages
  • Spacebar: Add 10 mins or start 10 min timer
  • Backspace: Reset timer
  • Escape: Exit app
  • F11: toggle Fullscreen


The business logic is located at /src/routes/index.svelte

You'll find an object called 'messages' you can add to.

The message object looks like:

'keyEvent.key': {     <- key press to switch to message
  title: '',          <- BIG TEXT
  body: '',           <- small text
  bg: '',             <- Classes to add to the back panel
  onStart: () => {},  <- Function to run when switched to
  onTimeout: () => {},<- Function to run when timer runs out
  onEnd: () => {},    <- Function to run when switched from


Open the root directory in a terminal and run:

npm i
npm run dev   <- to test program
npm run build <- to build installer

Installer will be located at ./dist/Office Sign Setup x.x.x.exe