
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Black-Box for Blockchain Parameters Adjustment

The repository contains code for the [Link to paper]. The docker folder contains code for creation docker images of solana-genesis and solana-validator nodes.

For reproduction of experiments two steps are needed:

  • Deployment of solana cluster with given parameters
  • Transaction execution

1. Deployment of solana cluster

1.1 Building from docker images

The easiest way is to use pre-built images from our repository - public.ecr.aws/q9l7c5c2 :

  • public.ecr.aws/q9l7c5c2/solana-genesis - genesis node
  • public.ecr.aws/q9l7c5c2/solana-validator - validator node

To run cluster do:

  • Run genesis node - docker run --name genesis -e GOSSIP=<genesis_ip> -v <config_folder_path>:/solana/config -e TOML_CONFIG='/solana/config/config.toml' -e RUST_LOG='info' --net=host -d public.ecr.aws/q9l7c5c2/solana-genesis
  • Run several validators - docker run --name validator -e ENTRYPOINT=<genesis_ip> -v <config_folder_path>:/solana/config -e TOML_CONFIG='/solana/config/config.toml' -e RUST_LOG='info' --net=host -d public.ecr.aws/q9l7c5c2/solana-validator

Config example is in current repository - config.toml

1.2 Building from source

For building latest version use Dockerfile from ./docker:

  • Download forked solana - git submodule init
  • Build image - DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build -t solana-genesis .
  • Run containers by execution commands from previous step

2. Experiments execution

Experiments can be done by execution standard RPC commands to deployed solana cluster, an example can be found at exp.py