DevSecOps - POC for NGINX Sprint Conference, 2021

  • GitHub CI/CD has been leveraged for testing DevSecOps pipeline
  • GitHub Actions pipeline has been implemented
  • .NET code project built as docker container
  • NGINX App Protect WAF and DoS are built into a docker container
  • Containers are deployed to Azure Container Registry
  • Application and App Protect proxy tiers is deployed to Azure Kubernetes
  • CodeQL - GitHub's new code scanning workflow has been added for code scan
  • Container scanning
  • Selenium tests run
  • OWASP ZAP DAST scan run
  • Container action has been added

Getting Started

The following are the high-level tasks needed to be able to run this POC yourself.

  • Set up an Azure Container Registry
  • Build and push The NGINX App Protect WAF + DoS container to the registry using the steps in the section below
  • Set up an Azure Kubernetes Server cluster with an HTTP ingress enabled
  • Create both devsecops-stage and devsecops-prod namespaces in the Kubernetes cluster
  • Set up the following GitHub repository secrets that the workflow requires:
Secret Description
AZURE_CREDENTIALS Azure credentials
NGINX_CRT Base 64 encoded version of the NGINX repo certificate
NGINX_KEY Base 64 encoded version of the NGINX repo key
REGISTRY_SERVERNAME Host name of your Azure Container Registry
REGISTRY_USERNAME User name for the Azure Container Registry
REGISTRY_PASSWORD Password for the Azure Container Registry
PENDING_WEBHOOK_URL Webhook URL to send workflow pending events to
SUCCESS_WEBHOOK_URL Webhook URL to send workflow success events to
FAILURE_WEBHOOK_URL Webhook URL to send workflow failure events to
WEBHOOK_SECRET Secret used to hash the Webhook POST body

Build NAP WAF + DoS Container and push to ACR

cd app-protect
az login
az acr build -t nginx-app-protect-waf-dos:3.3 -t nginx-app-protect-waf-dos:latest -r aknot242 -f Base-Dockerfile .

Delete Old GitHub Actions Runs

Not specifically required, but deleting old GitHub workflow runs promotes cleanliness, especially when demoing. Credit: This is a local copy of the bash script by @qmacro Requires: jq, gh and fzf packages.

chmod +x
./util/ <github id>/<repo name>

Troubleshooting Examples

Get a pod id:

kubectl get pods -n devsecops-stage

SSH into one of the pod ids from the above command:

kubectl exec --stdin --tty -n devsecops-stage nap-dotnetcorewebapp-stage-84dbbb5bbf-7xffw -- /bin/bash

Original author (@RKSelvi) solution blog: