🌌 axios-graphql-github-tutorial 🌌

how to run it

git clone git@github.com:GBouffard/axios-graphql-github-tutorial.git
cd axios-graphql-github-tutorial
npm install
code .env

Replace addYourTokenHere with your [personal token from Github]. The scopes/permissions that need to be checked are: admin:org, repo, user, notifications. See my random training on how to generate a Github Access token or Github help

npm start
  • visit http://localhost:3000

how it works:

  • The Github Access token is sent within the Authorization headers. Ssee axiosGitHubGraphQL within helpers.js to see how.
  • the graphQL queries are in src/graphql-queries.js.
  • The methods triggering the queries and the variables being passed through Axios are defined within /src/helper.js.
  • The App has a form that accepts a path to a Github repository. It has a default value. On input change, the GraphQL queries are triggered to get opened issuess. Changing the path to nodejs/node for example give different results. The App also has the Organization component.
  • Organization renders a header and the Respository component.
  • Repository renders the StarButton, each IssueBulletPoint including the 3 latest reactions as well as the MoreIssuesButton if there are some.
  • nb: The App useEffect method needs a 2nd argument to not re-render at each update of the organization or errors internal states.

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