Library Catalogue App

This app is designed to keep track of (music) books in libraries.


After cloning the repository, run the following commands:

cd frontend
cd ..
yarn dev

The script will run both the frontend and backend in development mode.


The frontend is built with React.


The backend is built with Node.js.


The app uses native authentication and validation, and is secured with JWT tokens.

Backend Dependencies

  • bcryptjs: To hash the password
  • colors: To print colored text in the terminal
  • concurrently: To run both the frontend and backend in parallel
  • dotenv: To load environment variables from a .env file
  • express: To create the backend server
  • jsonwebtoken: To create and verify JWT tokens
  • mongoose: To connect to the MongoDB database
  • validator: To validate user input

Frontend Dependencies

  • axios: To make HTTP requests
  • daisyui: To complement the Tailwind CSS framework
  • react: To create the frontend
  • react-dom: To render the frontend
  • react-icons: To render the icons
  • react-modal: To create modal dialogs
  • react-redux: To connect the frontend to the backend
  • react-router-dom: To create the routing
  • react-toastify: To create toast notifications


The app is ready to be deployed to Heroku and includes a heroku:postbuild hook that builds the frontend in production mode.