
Artifact for ICSE 2023

Primary LanguageJava

Improving Java Deserialization Gadget Chain Mining via Overriding-Guided Object Generation

Java (de)serialization is prone to causing security-critical vulnerabilities that attackers can invoke existing methods (gadgets) in an application's scope to construct a gadget chain to perform malicious behaviors. Several techniques have been proposed to statically identify suspicious gadget chains and dynamically generate injection objects for fuzzing. However, due to their incomplete support for dynamic program features (e.g., Java runtime polymorphism) and ineffective injection object generation for fuzzing, the existing techniques are still far from satisfactory.

In this paper, we first performed an empirical study to investigate the characteristics of Java deserialization vulnerabilities based on our manually collected 86 publicly known gadget chains. The empirical results show that 1) Java deserialization gadgets are usually introduced by abusing runtime polymorphism, which enables attackers to reuse serializable overriding methods; and 2) attackers usually invoke exploitable overriding methods (gadgets) via dynamic binding to generate injection objects for gadget chain construction. Based on our empirical findings, we propose a novel gadget chain mining approach, GCMiner, which captures both explicit and implicit method calls to identify more gadget chains, and adopts an overriding-guided object generation approach to generate valid injection objects for fuzzing. The evaluation results show that GCMiner significantly outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques, and discovers 56 unique gadget chains that cannot be identified by the baseline approaches.


Install the necessary dependencies before running the project:


  • Soot
  • Neo4j
  • Java 8
  • Apache Maven 3.8

Thrid Party Liraries


This section gives the steps, explanations and examples for getting the project running.

1) Clone this repo

$ git clone https://github.com/GCMiner/GCMiner.git

2) Install Prerequisites

3) Tabby

This step is necessary for the static analysis to construct Deserialization-Aware Code Property Graph (DA-CPG) and import generated graphs into Neo4j for chain identification and verification.


├── README.md                         <- The top-level README for developers using this project.
├── src/main/java
│   ├── ChainValidation               <- A toy example about object generation.
│   │   ├── Test.java                 <- Testing scripts.
│   │   ├── data.json                 <- Identified gadget chains of CC2 in Neo4j.
│   │   └── running example.png       <- Process of object generation.
│   ├── Preprocess                    <- Preprocessing scripts
│   │   └── GetChainsFromNeo4j.java   <- Loading graph data from Neo4j.
│   └── com                           <- Running scripts.
│       ├── result                    <- Collection of gadget chains in our benchmark.
│       ├── ExploitGenerator.java     <- A customized generator for object generation.
│       ├── ObjectLogic.java          <- Verify whether the sink method is reached.
│       └── ObjectTest.java           <- Main script files.
├── Data                              <- Detailed information about our experiments.
│   ├── Dataset.xlsx                  <- Statistical information about benchmark.
│   └── ScalabilityData.xlsx          <- Statistical information about applications.
└── main.py                           <- Necessary dependencies for running GCMiner.



In our experiments, we manually collect 86 known gadget chains from multiple famous Java applications. In our dataset, six types of statistical information (Library, Application, CVE-ID, Affected Version, Severity, Gadget Chain, ) are included.

  • Library and Application present the deserialization libraries that cause the vulnerability and corresponding affected applications. Library of some applications are labeled as N/A due to the re-implementation of deserialization operations (i.e., not relying on any deserialization library).
  • CVE-ID is the corresponding CVE-ID of the gadget chain (if available).
  • Affected Version is the affected version of applications.
  • Severity is the severity score of each vulnerability with CVE-ID.
  • Gadget Chain is the gadget chains we manually collected.


Complete statistical information of each approach can be found in Data/Dataset.

Library Application CVE-ID Affected Vetrsion Severity Gadget Chain
ysoserial AspectJWeaver
ysoserial ... ... ... ... ...
ysoserial Wicket1 <6.23.0 DiskFileItem.readObject()
... ... ... ... ... ...
N/A Apache OFBiz3 CVE-2019-0189 <16.11.01 9.8 CRITICAL java.util.PriorityQueue#readObject//java.util.PriorityQueue#heapify//java.util.PriorityQueue#siftDown//java.util.PriorityQueue#siftDownUsingComparator//org.apache.commons.collections4.comparators.TransformingComparator#compare//org.apache.commons.collections4.functors.InvokerTransformer#transform//java.lang.reflect.Method#invoke
N/A Spring <5.2.3


In our dataset, seven types of statistical information (#Application, #Call Edges, #Alias Edges, time cost, #Classes, #Methods, #LoC, ) are included.

  • #Application represents the applications containing exploitable gadget chains.
  • #Call Edges is the number of call edges in our DA-CPG.
  • #Alias Edges is the number of alias edges in our DA-CPG.
  • time cost represents the time our approach used for graph construction/static analysis. We use second as the basic unit of measurement.
  • #Classes is the number of classes of each project.
  • #Methodsis the number of methods of each project.
  • #LoC is the number of lines of code of each project.


Complete statistical information of each approach can be found in Data/ScalabilityData.

Application #Call Edges #Alias Edges time cost (seconds) #Classes #Methods #LoC
CC4-4.0 6916 2770 6 630 7383 101020
CC-3.1 9034 3556 8 798 9695 101949
xstream-1.4.17 9756 3958 13 1083 13701 80930
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
xbean-spring-4.7 3769 1361 6 457 6518 62091
rome-1.0 4354 1067 5 423 6867 94517

Toy Example

We take the motivaing example CVE-2021-21346 in XStream to explain how GCMiner constructs an exploit object to trigger this vulnerability. The simplified gadget chain is shown below.

private static class RdnEntry implements Comparable<RdnEntry> {
    private String type;
    private Object value;
    public int compareTo(RdnEntry that) {
        int diff = type.compareToIgnoreCase(that.type);
        if (diff != 0) {
            return diff;
        if (value.equals(that.value)) {
            return 0;
        return getValueComparable().compareTo(
public class XString extends XObject implements XMLString {
    public boolean equals(XObject obj2) {
        int t = obj2.getType();
        try {
            if (XObject.CLASS_NODESET == t) 
                return obj2.equals(this);
            else if(XObject.CLASS_BOOLEAN == t)
                return obj2.bool() == bool();
            else if(XObject.CLASS_NUMBER == t)
                return obj2.num() == num(); }
        catch(javax.xml.transform.TransformerException te) { 
            throw new com.sun.org.apache.xml.internal.utils.WrappedRuntimeException(te);}
        return xstr().equals(obj2.xstr());}

Method compareTo is a _**magic method **_which will be self-executed during deserialization. It contains a value field which wil be used at line 11 by equals. Under normal conditions, the object RdnEntry will invoke the method equals in java.lang.Object.class. However, although the attackers can not directly modify the source code by using dynamic binding to invoke the overriding method equals in com.sun.org.apache.xpath.internal.objects.XString.class, they can use reflection (this is why we use reflection instead of dynamic binding here) to dynamically invoke equals at line 19 to continue the execution of this chain. By using reflection, they can modify the field value to an object of class XString. Other two dynamic reflection operations in this chain are similar.

Generated Explot Objects

By using reflection, we can constrcut a highly-structured object for fuzzing. The structure of our generated object for this example is shown as follows:

├── Object RdnEntry                   
           └── field value: Object XString
                                   └── field value: Object MultiUIDefaults  
                                                           └── field value: Object SwingLazyValue