This project is for Electrocardiogram(ECG) signal algorithms design and validation, include preprocessing, QRS-Complex detection, embedded system validation, ECG segmentation, label your machine learning dataset, and clinical trial...etc.
- 2377425724s
- Amrican10
- asmwarrior
- Brio17
- Chendeshun
- Chipsovo
- cos12a自由职业者
- David-WL
- dengh01
- EdXianTaiwan
- Etsuna56
- fernandopozoSpika Tech
- GCYTaiwan
- gixiphy
- H-RibeiroLondon, UK
- HabibMradBeirut - Lebanon
- hahafor
- hiredd
- jerrylee302
- Kepler452ByteBeijing University of Posts and Telecommunications
- liuziyi-github
- luweiqi
- MarioGeo1YachayTech
- myd7349
- Nsad9579Iran
- PremchandGatBikaner, Rajasthan
- qiu-ai
- rybak02
- Skorkmaz88Germany
- usstpcg
- wangtengteng888
- wwwguoxd
- Xuezheng-ShaShangHai, China
- Yadid12
- Yazansaleh
- zengzheng1