The idea behind the implementation of this game is to practice some technologies. The game is the well known battleship game.
- Implement the basic rules and some basic UI
- Implement multiplayer logic using SocketIO
- Implement some artificial intelligence to enable games versus the machine
This single page application is written using:
- ES6 compiled into ES5 using Babel.
- Bundled with Webpack.
- Tests runs with Karma and Jasmine.
- Code coverage with Istanbul and Coveralls.
Make sure you have node and npm installed.
Clone the Github repo:
git clone
Install npm dependencies:
cd battleship_multiplayer npm install
Run the tests:
gulp test // to run tests and watch gulp test-single-run // to run tests only once
build step not needed to run the tests, since is already included in the test task.
Start the app and watch changes:
gulp dev-server // livereload enabled
the app will be available at http://localhost:4000