This project has undergone some massive changes. What follows below are the 3 quick and easy steps to get up and running. This does require that you have the following installed and it is working properly
- Docker
docker run --name gio-db -p 5432:5432 -d gdggr/gio-db
docker run --name gio-rest -it --link gio-db:gio-db -p 8080:8080 -d gdggr/gio-rest
If you are using Docker for Mac, then the host for Docker will be localhost. If you are using Docker Toolbox, then you will need to use the IP address of the VM hosting your docker instance We are going to assume that you are using Docker for Mac / Win.
http://localhost:8080/api/conference - Docker for Mac / Win
or - Docker Toolbox
In order to develop and add features to this application, it is recommended that you run the gio-db container and run the rest application on the host machine (not in a Docker Container). The way to run the rest application on your local machine is by using the following command:
mvn clean package && java -DconfAdminPassword=nimda -jar target/*.jar
This command will compile the application using the localDB profile. The localDB profile will alter the configuration of the Spring Boot application such that it connects to the docker container database. The next command, following the &&, is to actually run the application, with the fictious admin password of nimda.
Here is a list of the available apis in the system
- /api/conference - will retrieve all conferences
- /api/conference/{id} - will retrieve conference by id
- /api/conference/{id}/conferenceSessions - will retrieve the sessions by conference id
- /api/conferenceSession - will retrieve all conference sessions
- /api/conferenceSession/{id} - will retrieve conference session by id
- /api/presenter - will retrieve all presenters
- /api/presenter/{id} - will retrieve presenter by id