
🏫 ProtectED 🏫

The ProtectED project aims at a highly sustainable goal of addressing the issue of school violence.

Flutter Firebase Google Map Platform

IntroductionGet StartedUsageTechnologiesContributors


Schools are supposed to be a place where quality education, integration, and safety are provided, in the best of circumstances, they will be a place that leads everyone to a promising future. However, schools are no longer truly safe, as they can be a place of bullying, sexual harassment, physical punishment, verbal abuse, and other forms of violence, including school shootings.

ProtectED is a project aimed at addressing the issue of school violence, minimizing all forms of violence, and ensuring the safety of students both physically and mentally.


We submit our solution in GDSC SOLUTION CHALLENGE 2023 using Google technologies, in accordance with 3️⃣ United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals

Goal 3 - Good Healthy and Well-being Goal 4 - Quality Education Goal 16 - Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions


Get Started⚙️

1. Open a terminal on your machine. 2. Navigate to the directory where you want to clone the code. 3. Run the following command to clone the code:
git clone
  1. Once the code is cloned, navigate into the project directory using the following command:
cd school_violence
  1. Next, you need to install any dependencies required by the project. To do this, run the following command:
flutter pub get
  1. Finally, you can run the project using the following command and enjoy it!🎉🎉🎉
flutter run


ProtectED has developed 2 main features to address the issue, including Chat with Expert and SOS. SOS has 2 modes, Violence mode is used in the case of regular school violence, and School Shooting mode is used in the case of more dangerous situations, such as school shootings.


Experts (such as teachers at the user's school) provided very good perspectives and solutions to situations that were in line with reality.

Chat - Step 1 Chat - Step 2


Provides many opportunities to self-rescue in dangerous school violence situations.

Help - Mode 1 Help - Mode 1

Mode 1

Help - Mode 2 Help - Mode 2

Mode 2


Flutter, Firebase, and Google Map Platform are Google's technologies that allow us to realize the solution by creating a high-performance mobile application.

With these technologies, we are extremely confident in developing our ideas:

  • Flutter
  • Firebase
  • Google Cloud