Very simple JSON parser written in Swift 3

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT


Very simple JSON parser written in Swift 3 based on case sensitive string paths.


We all need to use JSON structs in our projects, but unfortunately there is no any stable repository about JSON updated to Swift 3 syntax. So I've decided to make my own, very simple JSON parser that allows you to manage JSON values.

This is not a library, you can just copy & paste my code inside your project. Please feel free to use & modify this code for your projects' requirements.


  • GJSON uses simple string paths (components must be separated with slash /) to extract values from valid JSON objects.
  • The first option is to extract optional value of Any? type. It does not produce any errors or exceptions during parsing, if there is no value that you've requested - you will just receive nil as a result and small log message containing information about what was happened.
  • Also you can extract optional "strictly typed" values (they just need to be unwrapped, this allow you to extract null values safely).
  • As a special feature you can extract a concrete item from an internal JSON array by specifying string component prefixed by :, for example: Result/Items/:2 (index starts from zero, instead of 2 you can print any index inside json array's bounds).

Quick Guide

  • Please note that path strings are case sensitive.
  • Use number, string, bool, array or object instance-level methods of the GJSON class to get strictly typed values as a result. These method will return nil if JSON code does not contain specified value types at specified paths.
  • Use strict valueAt(_, of:) method which will return strictly typed value or throw an exception if any error occured during parsing.
  • Use any instance-level method or GJSON.path(_, json:) class-level method to extract value of type Any?. Just don't forget to unwrap them when it's necessary.
  • Use special myJson/jsonArrayItem/:3 index specifying to extract the concrete item of an array.


Let's take this JSON code on some server address https://myserver.com/json:

	"glossary": {
		"title": "example",
		"items": [
			{ "Id": 5, "text": "some item" },
			{ "Id": 28, "text": "some another item" }
		"GlossList": {
			"GlossEntry": {
				"ID": "SGML",
				"SortDesc": true,
				"GlossDef": {
					"GlossSeeAlso": ["GML", "XML"]
				"GlossSee": "markup"

Here are an example of items extraction:

// receive our JSON with async URLSession data task
let urlString = "https://myserver.com/json"
let url = URL(string: urlString)
var request = URLRequest(url: url!)
request.httpMethod = "GET"
// send async task
let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request) { (data, res, err) in
  let object = try! JSONSerialization.jsonObject(with: data!, options: .allowFragments)


class App {
  static func parseJSON(_ json: Any?) {
    let parser = GJSON(json)
    let glossary = GJSON(parser.any("glossary")!)!
    print(glossary.number("items/:0/Id")!) // extract the "Id" property of the first item of an array
    print(GJSON.path("glossary/GlossList/GlossEntry/GlossSee", json: json) as! String)

This will print the following lines:

