
Flask blog engine example. Posts can be written using markdown.

Primary LanguageHTML


Blog built with Flask, MongoDB hosted in MLab with autentication, interface to create posts and users, and to delete them.

Post can be written in Markdown, for convenience.

Live version in Umobiteam

Files tree

Api.py : Contain all the Flask app structure, with routes and corresponding functions.

Database.py: Contain all the operations envolving mongodb, hosted in mlab.

Setup.py: Dependencies.

Blog Pages

template.html : The base template of the application.

lista.html : The index page.

notfound.html: 404 page.

postview.html: Post visualization page.

categorie.html: Posts of a given category visualization.

Administration pages

BACKtemplate.html: template used in the administration pages.

adminpostslis.html: Post deletion form.

adminuserslis.html: User deletion form.

criausuario.html: User creation form.

novo.html : Post creation form.

login.html : Login form.

The static files needed to the template such as CSS and JS scripts.

Update the Database.py file with your database connection data
def connectDB(coll: str):
        #Create the auth client in mlab
        client = MongoClient('PUT YOUR CONNECTION STRING HERE')
        #Select the database we want to use
        db = client.YOURDATABASENAME
        #Return the desired collection
        if coll == 'posts':
        elif coll == 'users':
        elif coll == 'logs':
            return db.YOURLOGSCOLLECTIONNAME
        print ("Error trying to connect to database")

Deploy with virtualEnv

Install pip3 if you're using Linux

sudo apt-get install python3-pip

When you install Python 3 in Windows it install pip3 too.

Create a virtualenv inside FlaskBlogMarkdown folder

virtualenv venvflaskblog

Activate VirtualEnv

source venvflaskblog/bin/activate

Install dependencies on the virtualenv

python Setup.py install

Export and run the application

Linux Script

chmod 777 run.sh



export FLASK_APP=Api.py

Python3 Api.py


set FLASK_APP=Api.py

flask run