
An online calculator with basic arithmetic operations built using HTML5, CSS3 and JS ES6 features. It can be controlled by mouse or keyboard.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Project: Calculator

An online calculator built with HTML, CSS and Vanilla JavaScript from The Odin Project curriculum.


  • Supported operations: divide, multiply, subtract, add
  • Added number rounding function to two decimal places
  • Added backspace button (to delete one symbol at a time) and clear button (to clear all display at once)
  • Added sound effect with option to enable/disable them
  • Added vibration on Android devices
  • Added decimal button
  • Added error message if was tried to divide by 0 or maximum character length is reached
  • Added keyboard support
  • Calculator calculates the whole equation dynamically
  • Operations buttons (/, *, -, +, =) are prevented from pushing if there aren't any numbers in the input
  • Operations buttons and decimal button (.) are prevented from pushing twice


  • Used HTML5 semantic elements for better structure and readability
  • Used CSS Grid and CSS Flexbox modules to create layout
  • Learned how to implement keyboard support
  • Deepened knowledge of how functions work together
