- adityakanade
- aliabd
- Andreas-Bergg
- CeeThinwa
- compassz
- cooperleong00
- CZWin32768Canada
- djurkisPrague
- e0397123National University of Singapore (ECE-HLT)
- fly51flyPRIS
- ghosthamletThe Rest Is Silence of Code
- harsh19
- jdf-progUniversity of Waterloo
- kabbi159@WRTN-Technologies
- koustuvsinhaMeta AI
- lewtun@huggingface
- mallamanisUK
- martiansideofthemoonSenior Research Scientist, Google DeepMind
- NativeatomCarnegie Mellon University
- ndaheimTU Darmstadt
- oplatek
- padipadou
- rajammanabroluUCSD and MosaicML
- rajcscw@fraunhofer-iais
- RiccorlPhD @SapienzaNLP
- sanketvmehtaCarnegie Mellon University
- sashank06Charlotte, NC
- SeungoneKimCarnegie Mellon University
- slowwavesleep
- songysSionic AI Inc.
- takiholadi
- taku-itoLangsmith Inc. / Tohoku NLP Lab
- TomiinekPrague, Czechia
- torivingNAVER
- ybai-nlpBeijing Institute of Technology
- zipJiangJohns Hopkins University