GEMINI-DSI Portal Template


This is a web portal that facilitates users to access various reports. Note that this code was highly customized for a particular use case, and may require substantial changes in order to work with your particular use case.

Tech Stack

Frontend: NextJS and chakra ui

Backend: KeystoneJS as the CMS and Postgres for the database

S3: Minio to store the actual reports


  • Allow Users to register to the portal
  • Login via a magic link
  • Fully containarized Application for easy development and deployment
  • Fully functional admin portal to allow admin users management of the portal
  • GraphQL API

Folder structure


  • Contains all the code relevant to the start up the backend application


  • Contains all the code for the front end application


  1. Start the containers via the following command

    docker compose up -d

  2. Everytime a change is made to the schema you need to create a migration with following command

    yarn keystone prisma migrate dev --name name_of_migration



  1. Build the docker images using production docker compose file

    docker compose -f docker-compose.staging.yml build frontend backend

  2. Bring up minio, postgress and traefik services

    docker compose -f docker-compose.staging.yml up minio postgres traefik -d

  3. Run the yarn migrate command on backend image as an entrypoint command in order to initiate and configure the database

    docker compose run --rm --entrypoint="yarn migrate" backend

  4. Bring up the backend and front end

    docker compose -f docker-compose.staging.yml up frontend backend -d

Seed Data

docker compose run --rm --entrypoint="yarn seed-data" backend

