INCL++ ungracefully exits after a floating point error using gevgen
Opened this issue · 8 comments
Whenever I run INCL++, the failure rate is high above a certain energy and the error message will not generate the event so I cannot use gevdump to investigate. I am using a slightly modified AR23_20i tune with INCL++, which I name AR23_20k. You can recreate this error with G18_11c.
Here are the setup commands I use:
source /grid/fermiapp/products/dune/
setup dk2nugenie v01_10_01k -q "e20:prof"
unsetup genie
setup genie v3_04_00d -q "e20:+inclxx:prof"
Here is the gevgen commands:
gevgen -o testk1 -n 1000 -t 1000180400 --event-generator-list Default --tune AR23_20k_00_000 --cross-sections /pnfs/dune/persistent/users/rdiurba/gxspl-NUsmall_AR23_20k_00_000.xml -e 1 -p -14 --seed 1
And this is the error:
1692714574 NOTICE Nieves : [n] <NievesQELCCPXSec.cxx::LoadConfig (428)> : RPA=1, useCoulomb=1
1692714574 INFO TransverseEnhancementFFModel : [n] <ConfigIsotopeMapUtils.cxx::LoadAllNucARangesForKey (61)> : For 0 < A < 12 -> using MagFF_RT_A = 0
1692714574 INFO TransverseEnhancementFFModel : [n] <ConfigIsotopeMapUtils.cxx::LoadAllNucARangesForKey (61)> : For 11 < A < 420 -> using MagFF_RT_A = 5.19
1692714575 INFO TransverseEnhancementFFModel : [n] <ConfigIsotopeMapUtils.cxx::LoadAllNucARangesForKey (61)> : For 0 < A < 12 -> using MagFF_RT_B = 1
1692714575 INFO TransverseEnhancementFFModel : [n] <ConfigIsotopeMapUtils.cxx::LoadAllNucARangesForKey (61)> : For 11 < A < 420 -> using MagFF_RT_B = 0.376
1692714575 WARN IntLst : [n] <MECInteractionListGenerator.cxx::CreateInteractionList (55)> : fIsCC(val) = 1
1692714575 WARN IntLst : [n] <MECInteractionListGenerator.cxx::CreateInteractionList (99)> : fIsNC = 1
1692714575 WARN IntLst : [n] <MECInteractionListGenerator.cxx::CreateInteractionList (99)> : fIsNC = 1
1692714575 WARN IntLst : [n] <MECInteractionListGenerator.cxx::CreateInteractionList (99)> : fIsNC = 1
1692714575 NOTICE Ntp : [n] <NtpWriter.cxx::NtpWriter (45)> : Run number: 0
1692714575 NOTICE Ntp : [n] <NtpWriter.cxx::NtpWriter (46)> : Requested G/ROOT tree format: [NtpMCEventRecord]
1692714575 NOTICE Ntp : [n] <NtpMCJobConfig.cxx::Load (47)> : Converting configuration registries to TFolders
1692714575 NOTICE Ntp : [n] <NtpMCJobEnv.cxx::TakeSnapshot (46)> : Taking environment snapshot and saving it in a TFolder
1692714575 NOTICE HINCLCascadeIntranuke : [n] <HINCLCascadeIntranuke.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (459)> : ************ Running HINCLCascadeIntranuke MODE INTRANUKE ************
1692714575 NOTICE HINCLCascadeIntranuke : [n] <HINCLCascadeIntranuke.cxx::TransportHadrons (500)> : Propagating hadrons within nucleus found in position = 3
1692714575 NOTICE HINCLCascadeIntranuke : [n] <HINCLCascadeIntranuke.cxx::TransportHadrons (516)> : Nucleus (A,Z) = (39, 18)
1692714575 NOTICE HINCLCascadeIntranuke : [n] <HINCLCascadeIntranuke.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (459)> : ************ Running HINCLCascadeIntranuke MODE INTRANUKE ************
1692714575 NOTICE HINCLCascadeIntranuke : [n] <HINCLCascadeIntranuke.cxx::TransportHadrons (500)> : Propagating hadrons within nucleus found in position = 3
1692714575 NOTICE HINCLCascadeIntranuke : [n] <HINCLCascadeIntranuke.cxx::TransportHadrons (516)> : Nucleus (A,Z) = (39, 18)
Collection name='genie::GHepParticles', class='genie::EventRecord', size=1000
| nu_mu_bar | -14 | 0 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 |
ERROR - Floating point invalid operation.
Floating point exception
thanks for posting this. I think I see similar problem, was able to narrow it down to QE and MEC. It's not a problem with RES or DIS. Can you narrow problem down to a specific process? Error messaging isn't helpful here.
I used the same command as above but changed --event-generator-list to CCMEC. I was able to recreate the error with the same seed. Here is the printout on Messenger_rambling.xml
1693929040 WARN IntLst : [n] <MECInteractionListGenerator.cxx::CreateInteractionList (55)> : fIsCC(val) = 1
1693929040 NOTICE Ntp : [n] <NtpWriter.cxx::NtpWriter (45)> : Run number: 0
1693929040 NOTICE Ntp : [n] <NtpWriter.cxx::NtpWriter (46)> : Requested G/ROOT tree format: [NtpMCEventRecord]
1693929040 NOTICE Ntp : [n] <NtpMCJobConfig.cxx::Load (47)> : Converting configuration registries to TFolders
1693929040 NOTICE Ntp : [n] <NtpMCJobEnv.cxx::TakeSnapshot (46)> : Taking environment snapshot and saving it in a TFolder
1693929040 NOTICE gevgen : [n] <gEvGen.cxx::GenerateEventsAtFixedInitState (312)> :
** Will generate 1000 events for
[-] [Init-State]
|--> probe : PDG-code = -14 (nu_mu_bar)
|--> nucl. target : Z = 18, A = 40, PDG-Code = 1000180400 (Ar40)
|--> hit nucleon : no set
|--> hit quark : no set
|--> probe 4P : (E = 0, Px = 0, Py = 0, Pz = 0)
|--> target 4P : (E = 37.2155, Px = 0, Py = 0, Pz = 0)
at Ev = 1 GeV
1693929040 NOTICE gevgen : [n] <gEvGen.cxx::GenerateEventsAtFixedInitState (319)> : *** Generating event............ 0
1693929040 NOTICE IntSel : [n] <PhysInteractionSelector.cxx::SelectInteraction (86)> :
Selecting an interaction for the given initial state = nu-pdg:-14;tgt-pdg:1000180400; at E = 1 GeV
1693929040 NOTICE IntSel : [n] <PhysInteractionSelector.cxx::SelectInteraction (88)> : Computing xsecs for all relevant modeled interactions:
1693929040 NOTICE IntSel : [n] <PhysInteractionSelector.cxx::SelectInteraction (154)> :
| interaction | cross-section (1E-38*cm^2) |
| nu:-14;tgt:1000180400;proc:Weak[CC],MEC; | 1.66648 |
1693929040 NOTICE IntSel : [n] <PhysInteractionSelector.cxx::SelectInteraction (190)> : Selected interaction: nu:-14;tgt:1000180400;proc:Weak[CC],MEC;
1693929040 NOTICE GEVGDriver : [n] <GEVGDriver.cxx::GenerateEvent (282)> :
Requesting from event generation thread: genie::EventGenerator/MEC-CC to generate the selected interaction
1693929040 NOTICE EventGenerator : [n] <EventGenerator.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (66)> : Generating Event...
1693929040 NOTICE EventGenerator : [n] <EventGenerator.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (69)> : Clearing the GHepVirtualListFolder
1693929040 NOTICE EventGenerator : [n] <EventGenerator.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (97)> :
Event generation thread: genie::EventGenerator/MEC-CC -> Running module: genie::InitialStateAppender/Default
1693929040 INFO ISApp : [n] <InitialStateAppender.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (48)> : Adding the initial state to the event record
1693929040 INFO ISApp : [n] <InitialStateAppender.cxx::AddNeutrino (76)> : Adding neutrino [pdgc = -14]
1693929040 INFO ISApp : [n] <InitialStateAppender.cxx::AddNucleus (100)> : Adding nucleus [A = 40, Z = 18, pdg = 1000180400]
1693929040 INFO ISApp : [n] <InitialStateAppender.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (63)> :
|GENIE GHEP Event Record [print level: 3] |
| Idx | Name | Ist | PDG | Mother | Daughter | Px | Py | Pz | E | m |
| 0 | nu_mu_bar | 0 | -14 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 |
| 1 | Ar40 | 0 | 1000180400 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 37.216 | 37.216 |
| Fin-Init: | 0.000 | 0.000 | -1.000 | -38.216 | |
| Vertex: nu_mu_bar @ (x = 0.00000 m, y = 0.00000 m, z = 0.00000 m, t = 0.000000e+00 s) |
| Err flag [bits:15->0] : 0000000000000000 | 1st set: none |
| Err mask [bits:15->0] : 1111111111111111 | Is unphysical: NO | Accepted: YES |
| sig(Ev) = 1.66648e-38 cm^2 | dsig(Ev;{K_s})/dK = 0.00000e+00 cm^2/{K} | Weight = 1.00000 |
GENIE Interaction Summary
[-] [Init-State]
|--> probe : PDG-code = -14 (nu_mu_bar)
|--> nucl. target : Z = 18, A = 40, PDG-Code = 1000180400 (Ar40)
|--> hit nucleon : no set
|--> hit quark : no set
|--> probe 4P : (E = 1.000000, Px = 0.000000, Py = 0.000000, Pz = 1.000000)
|--> target 4P : (E = 37.215526, Px = 0.000000, Py = 0.000000, Pz = 0.000000)
[-] [Process-Info]
|--> Interaction : Weak[CC]
|--> Scattering : MEC
[-] [Kinematics]
[-] [Exclusive Process Info]
|--> charm prod. : false |--> strange prod. : false
|--> f/s nucleons : N(p) = 0 N(n) = 0
|--> f/s pions : N(pi^0) = 0 N(pi^+) = 0 N(pi^-) = 0
|--> f/s Other : N(gamma) = 0 N(Rho^0) = 0 N(Rho^+) = 0 N(Rho^-) = 0
|--> resonance : [not set]
|--> final quark prod. : false
|--> final lepton prod. : false
1693929040 NOTICE EventGenerator : [n] <EventGenerator.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (97)> :
Event generation thread: genie::EventGenerator/MEC-CC -> Running module: genie::VertexGenerator/Default
1693929040 INFO Vtx : [n] <VertexGenerator.cxx::GenerateVertex (146)> : Generating vertex according to a realistic nuclear density profile
1693929040 INFO Vtx : [n] <VertexGenerator.cxx::GenerateVertex (211)> : Generated vtx @ r = 1.84035 fm / (x = 1.30244, y = -0.00785201, z = -1.30019)
1693929040 INFO Vtx : [n] <VertexGenerator.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (73)> : Setting vertex position for: nu_mu_bar
1693929040 NOTICE EventGenerator : [n] <EventGenerator.cxx::ProcessEventRecord (97)> :
Event generation thread: genie::EventGenerator/MEC-CC -> Running module: genie::MECGenerator/Default
Collection name='genie::GHepParticles', class='genie::EventRecord', size=1000
| nu_mu_bar | -14 | 0 | -1 | -1 | -1 | -1 | 0.000 | 0.000 | 1.000 | 1.000 | 0.000 |
ERROR - Floating point invalid operation.
Floating point exception
yes, that is the idea. Use CCQE, CCMEC, CCRES, and CCDIS separately to show which simulations are affected. By the way, I use G18_10c events on my laptop so it's likely more general. To be specific, problem seems to be with 1st event of a specific process.
I am sorry but I do not know if I have access to a G18_10a xml spline, hence I am using AR23_20i splines. I have tried all CC topologies and they all work except for CCMEC.
This should fix everything. Although we have yet to test it.
We think we will release a new tag before the Christmas holidays. We know for sure that the next release will require this fix anyway.