
Scaffold for building demostration and presentation.

Primary LanguagePython

[WIP] Chestnut 🌰


This project is still in progress and may be deprecated at any time.

Code style: black standard-readme compliant

简体中文 繁體中文

A scaffold built with Sanic and AppRun.



  • DDD + Clean Architecture => obey Open-Close Principle, and easy to extend
  • Fewer params in command => easy to read and operate

Getting Start

Download the source code and run launch app.

python virtualenv venv python=3.10
source venv/bin/activate
git clone https://github.com/GES233/Chestnut.git
python -m pip install -r requirements_basic.txt
python -m chestnut launch

Then, open in browser and follow it to install.


Install and running

Before running, you need install Python and Git.


  • Python
    • WebUI(Launch):
    • WebUI(Required for appearance):
    • WebUI(All):
      • Launch items
      • sanic_ext Sanic's official extensions
    • Security:
  • Decoration for launch application
  • Front-end[Optional]
    • Node: If node installed, it will re-complie the front-end in /webapp folder. If you want to re-development, it is required
    • Tailwind CSS for decorate
    • AppRun for SPA
    • Vite as a frontend tooling


Myself, and...
