
Landmark Recurrent Network: An efficient and robust framwork for Deepfakes detection

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Landmark Recurrent Network: An efficient and robust framwork for Deepfakes detection

The implementation for paper: Improving the Efficiency and Robustness for Deepfakes Detection through Precise Geometric Features (CVPR2021).

[Paper Link]


At current version, it is still the demo code of our proposed framework LRNet. It reproduces the whole procedure from a input video sample to its corresponding predicted label. We will update soon to optimize some components of it.



The input sample videos. Here we provide a real and a fake video.


The extracted landmarks. Each video is corresponding to a .txt file.


The two-stream RNN's weight.


The visualize results of landmrks extraction. The original landmarks detection (without calibration) is shown in "_origin.avi", and the calibrated one is shown in ".track.avi".



Perform the landmarks extraction and calibration.


Some utils of landmarks extraction, Kalman filter, landmarks alignment and so on.


Some utils of calibration module, including the LK operation and so on.


Perform the classification on extracted landmarks. Including reading and embedding the data, building the two-stream RNN and inference the samples.


DLIB landmarks detector parameters. (Need to download MANUALLY.)


For landmarks extraction

For classification

  • numpy
  • tqdm
  • TensorFlow >2.0
    • CPU version is sufficient


Landmarks extraction

To extract the landmarks from input videos, please ensure that all the samples are put in ./input folder and run

python extract_landmarks.py

You can also specific your own input videos path by -i or disable the visualization by -v.

For detailed, please consult

python extract_landmarks.py -h
  1. Noted that the generated landmarks and visualized detection videos are put in the same folder as the code files, i.e. the "./", which cannot be specified.
  2. We have provided generated landmarks extraction results and visualization videos in ./landmarks and ./visualize. Also you can delete these folders and regenerate them by yourself.


Before classification, make sure that the landmarks have been extracted and put in ./landmarks folder.

Execute the following command:

python classify.py

and you can see the prediction results (predicted label and score of the corresponding sample. Noticed the score that "0=real" and "1=fake".

TODO & Update List

  • Upload the demo (2021/3/29)
  • Update the face/landmark detector.
  • Update the calibration module.
    • Update the pyramidal LK with numpy and openCV. (2021/4/14)
    • Implement the pyramidal LK with openCV API. (2021/5/18, LATEST)
    • Optimize the speed.
  • Optimize the RNN part.


  • 2021/5/18
    • Updated the model weights. Now we provide weights trained on FF++ (./model_weights/ff) and Deeperforensics-1.0 (./model_weights/deeper). We use deeper by default, because the given examples are from this dataset. You can change to ff in classify.py L107--L113.
    • Provide faster LK tracker. We now use openCV optical api to achieve LK track. The Numpy version may cause some problems in np.linalg.inv, and we plan to fix it on June.
    • Update GPU support. We restrict Tensorflow not to use up the memory of GPU when it is supported. Although CPU is enough for inference. The GPU memory occupation may be < 1G.


This is only a demo to show the whole detection framework, thus several components of our codes need optimization, and we are continuing to organize the code. The calibration module will be further designed as an API to calibrate the landmarks extracted by any other landmark detectors.