
GFL's API for Members, Supporters, and VIPs written in Elixir. This isn't being used in production, but I figured it's good practice when learning Elixir.

Primary LanguageElixir

GFL API In Elixir


The GFL API written in Elixir. I'm writing this project to practice Elixir, a functional programming language I'm learning.


  1. Install a MySQL server.

  2. Modify your environment config in config/<env>.exs and configure the MySQL details along with the authorization token (token variable).

  3. Install dependencies by running mix deps.get.

  4. Create database by running mix ecto.create.

  5. Migrate necessary schemas by running mix ecto.migrate.

  6. Run the web server by running mix phx.server.

Note - By default, the web server binds to port 4000. Therefore, if you're using localhost, you can grab the player's perk status by going to http://localhost:4000/donators?steamid=<steamid>. Otherwise, you can use NGINX and write a proxy config to redirect to the web application.


The web application returns a JSON array such as the following:


Note - When the Steam ID isn't found, group will return 0 and error will be set to 404.
