Diffusion models for amortized inference

Official repository for the paper:

Improved off-policy training of diffusion samplers

This repository is divided into two parts, regarding sampling from energies experiments (unconditional sampling) and the VAE experiment (conditional sampling).

Sampling from unconditional energies

Firstly, please go to energy_sampling directory:

cd energy_sampling

In order to run the experiment, you should choose one of the following implemented energy functions:

  • 25gmm
  • hard_funnel
  • many_well
  • additionally, you can also select 9gmm or easy_funnel (with lower variance of the first component, as in [Zhang & Chen, 2021]).

Exemplary commands to run experiments

Below are commands to reproduce some of the results on Manywell with PIS and GFlowNet models as an example, showing the hyperparameters:

GFlowNet TB:

python train.py
--t_scale 1. --energy many_well --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd tb --lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-1

GFlowNet TB + Expl.:

python train.py
--t_scale 1. --energy many_well --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd tb --lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-1
--exploratory --exploration_wd --exploration_factor 0.2

GFlowNet VarGrad + Expl.:

python train.py
--t_scale 1. --energy many_well --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd tb-avg --lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-1
--exploratory --exploration_wd --exploration_factor 0.2

GFlowNet FL-SubTB:

python train.py
--t_scale 1. --energy many_well --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd subtb --lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-2
--partial_energy --conditional_flow_model

GFlowNet FL-SubTB + LP:

python train.py 
--t_scale 1. --energy many_well --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd subtb --lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-2 
--partial_energy --conditional_flow_model
--langevin --epochs 10000

GFlowNet TB + Expl. + LS:

python train.py
--t_scale 1. --energy many_well --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd tb --lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_back 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-1
--exploratory --exploration_wd --exploration_factor 0.1
--both_ways --local_search
--buffer_size 600000 --prioritized rank --rank_weight 0.01
--ld_step 0.1 --ld_schedule --target_acceptance_rate 0.574

GFlowNet TB + Expl. + LP:

python train.py
--t_scale 1. --energy many_well --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd tb --lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-1
--exploratory --exploration_wd --exploration_factor 0.2
--langevin --epochs 10000


For PIS, please use the following arguments:

--mode_fwd pis --lr_policy 1e-3

PIS + Langevin:

For PIS + Langevin, please use the following arguments:

--mode_fwd pis --lr_policy 1e-3  --langevin

VAE experiment

Firstly, please go to vae directory:

cd vae

For pretraining the VAE model, please run the following command:

python energies/vae.py

Then, in energies/vae_energy.py, please set the path to your newly pretrained VAE model.

_VAE_MODEL_PATH = '<path to a pretrained VAE model>'

Exemplary commands to run experiments

Below are commands to reproduce some of the results on VAE with GFlowNet models as an example, showing the hyperparameters:

GFlowNet TB + Expl. + LS:

python train.py
--energy vae --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd cond-tb-avg --mode_bwd cond-tb-avg --repeats 5
--lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-1 --lr_back 1e-3
--exploratory --exploration_wd --exploration_factor 0.1
--both_ways --local_search
--max_iter_ls 500 --burn_in 200
--buffer_size 90000 --prioritized rank --rank_weight 0.01
--ld_step 0.001 --ld_schedule --target_acceptance_rate 0.574

GFlowNet TB + Expl. + LP + LS:

python train.py
--energy vae --pis_architectures --zero_init --clipping
--mode_fwd cond-tb-avg --mode_bwd cond-tb-avg --repeats 5
--lr_policy 1e-3 --lr_flow 1e-1
--lgv_clip 1e2 --gfn_clip 1e4 --epochs 10000
--exploratory --exploration_wd --exploration_factor 0.1
--both_ways --local_search
--lr_back 1e-3 --max_iter_ls 500 --burn_in 200
--buffer_size 90000 --prioritized rank --rank_weight 0.01
--ld_step 0.001 --ld_schedule --target_acceptance_rate 0.574


This code borrows from implementations of algorithms from past work, including Zhang & Chen, 2022, Lahlou et al., 2023, Richter et al., 2023, Zhang et al., 2024. We thank the authors of these papers for making their code available.

If you find this code useful in your work, please consider citing our paper:

    title={Improved off-policy training of diffusion samplers},
    author={Sendera, Marcin and Kim, Minsu and Mittal, Sarthak and Lemos, Pablo and Scimeca, Luca and {Rector-Brooks}, Jarrid and Adam, Alexandre and Bengio, Yoshua and Malkin, Nikolay},
    journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2402.05098}