
Landing Page for the joint Exposure Elicitation Workshop at 16ECEE 2018

Mapping exposure using expert judgment: the HAZUS case study

The use of faceted taxonomies such as the one proposed by the Global Earthquake Model (GEM) has proved instrumental in collecting high quality building-by-building observations of the residential and commercial built environment. Yet, the inherent flexibility of this representation may hinder its full exploitation within large-scale seismic risk applications. A consistent mapping between taxonomic descriptions and risk-oriented vulnerability classes (e.g., HAZUS or PAGER-STR) may be implemented using an expert-based scoring methodology. In this special session an elicitation exercise will be presented in order to exemplify the methodology and derive an experimental mapping scheme to the HAZUS classification through the collaborative efforts of the participants.

Logistic information

  • TITLE/GROUP: Elicitation Workshop
  • TYPE: workshop
  • DATE: Tuesday 19th June 2018
  • TIME: 11:15-13:00
  • ROOM: CR2 (building M2 - Thessaloniki Concert Hall/16ECEE Conference Venue)
  • PAX: 10-20
  • DURATION: 2h 15m
  • SETTING: Classroom Style

Elicitation forms

Please click on the links below to access the online forms.

HAZUS - URM - Unreinforced Masonry Bearing Walls

HAZUS - RM1 - Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Wood or Metal Deck Diaphragms

HAZUS - RM2: Reinforced Masonry Bearing Walls with Precast Concrete Diaphragms

HAZUS - C1 - Concrete Moment Frame

HAZUS - C2 - Concrete Shear Walls

HAZUS - C3 - Concrete Frame with Unreinforced Masonry Infill Walls

HAZUS - PC1 - Precast Concrete Tilt-Up Walls

HAZUS - PC2 - Concrete Frame with Concrete Shear Walls

More informatino on the HAZUS building types and on the GEM building taxonomy can be found in this Wiki page.


For any further information please contact us:

  • Dr. Massimiliano Pittore, GFZ-Potsdam - pittore AT gfz-potsdam.de - +49 331 288 28668
  • Dr. Michael Haas, GFZ-Potsdam - mhaas AT gfz-potsdam.de - +49 331 288 28930