
Hypercard development system based on Mini vMac emulator


Although not yet supported by Apple, HyperCard (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HyperCard) still represent a software masterpiece for its elegance, easyness and power.

When it was released, in 1987, I was a kid passionated about computers. I loved to play with my Mac and hoped to become a programmer (like those at Apple) in the future.

After installing and running Hypercard for the first time, I was captured by its beauty. Each screen (card) was beautifully painted, appeared very intuitive, was easy to use and to customize. I still remember, I stayed awake all the night.

Obviously, this software immediately became my dream and my source of inspiration. I remember I wanted to work with its main creators: Bill Atkinson and Dan Winkler because I wanted to learn from them the techniques and the principles for building such incredible software.

Now let's look at the present: where is HyperCard 30 years later? Nowhere. A sad story happened to it: Apple (read: Steve Jobs) discontinued it in year 2000.

I don't want to comment this decision. I will only say that for me HyperCard is still here and I will do anything in my possibility not to lose that wonderful piece of software.

Here you'll find my HyperCard development system based on the Mini vMac emulator (http://www.gryphel.com/c/minivmac/index.html). I committed the Windows version (both 32 and 64 bit) but it works also with other versions (Linux, etc.). Moreover you'll find all the other resources to let it work properly.
