
API Requirements

  • Get todos
    • HTTP Method : GET
    • Endpoint : /api/todos
    • Response
      • Status Code : 200
      • Body
          "id": 1,
          "name": "Todo name",
          "description": "Todo description",
          "isFinsihed": false,
          "dueDate": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
  • Create todo
    • HTTP Method : POST
    • Endpoint : /api/todos
    • Request
      "name": "Todo name",
      "description": "Todo description",
      "dueDate": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm" // optional
    • Response
      • Status Code : 201
      • Body
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Todo name",
        "description": "Todo description",
        "isFinished": false,
        "dueDate": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
  • Get todo by id
    • HTTP Method : GET
    • Endpoint : /api/todos/:id
    • Response
      • Status Code : 200
      • Body
        "id": 1,
        "name": "Todo name",
        "description": "Todo description",
        "isFinished": false,
        "dueDate": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
  • Update todo by id
    • HTTP Method : PUT
    • Endpoint : /api/todos/:id
    • Request
      "name": "Todo name",
      "description": "Todo description",
      "isFinished": false,
      "dueDate": "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm"
    • Response
      • Status Code : 200
      • Body
        "message": "Todo with id=:id successfully updated"
  • Delete todo by id
    • HTTP Method : DELETE
    • Endpoint : /api/todos/:id
    • Response
      • Status Code : 200
      • Body
        "message": "Todo with id=:id successfully deleted"
  • Change status todo
    • HTTP Method : PATCH
    • Endpoint : /api/todos/finish/:id && /api/todos/unfinish/:id
    • Response
      • Status Code : 200
      • Body
        "message": "Todo with id=:id is finished" // finished / unfinished

Additional requirement

  • Use pagination for get all todos
  • Create Login, Register for User Schema
  • Use Authentication before access all /api/todos
  • Use Authorization to grant access specify todo for related user (E.g. User A cannot access Todo with id=2 because User A just create todo with ids 1 & 3)