
find the high win rate address of freemint project

Primary LanguageJavaScript

中文 / English

Find the king of freemint

This is a script can help you find the high win rate accounts of freemint


    This script is used to find the high win rate address of free mint (means there is a considerable profit can be taken), then you can use some tracker bot to follow this address to send the transaction.

    In addition, I want to recommend my freemint-tracker bot, it's better than most of the similar product, more complete, and faster. I've been play this freemint thing for a long time, to be honest I encountered a lot of problems and lost a lot of gas fee, so I kept on optimizing the strategy to filtrate the crappy project, while not missing those high profit project.

    If you got any interest in my freemint-tracker bot or any issue with this repo, you can contact me through twitter , my Discord: foxof.eth#5195, or my Wechat: FOX394.

freemint-tracker repo


  1. Put the addresses of those project with nice profit into goldDogs.txt(sorry the name sounds a little wired, its kinda Chinese another name of those freemint project), and put those crap into trashDogs.txt, don't forget the line break.

  2. Fill the config.js according to the comment.

  3. Rename the .env.example file to .env, and paste your alchemy api key bewteen the quotes.

  4. The script will request logs from the block chain, and it will take a while if it's your first time running this script. Once it's done, the script will analyze the logs and generate the high win rate addresses.(Alchemy has a limit on the amount of the returned logs, so when the logs exceeds 10000, we have to partially request those logs, it will takes longer, please be patient)

  5. Logs will be stored into goldDogLogs and trashDogLogs directories, respectively.

  6. run the script

How to run

// generate addresses on the basis of configuration
node findKing

// get the win rate of a specific address
node getWinRate "address here"