A set of useful form fields for SonataAdmin
include the base theme
- 'GGGGinoSonataExtraFieldsBundle:Form:extra_fields.html.twig'
resource: '@GGGGinoSonataExtraFieldsBundle/Controller/'
type: annotation
With this class you can create collection items depending on a wizard(non mapped )
use Allyou\ManagementBundle\Form\Type\CustomCollectionType;
* @param FormMapper $formMapper
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
->add('medias', CollectionBuilderType::class, array(
'by_reference' => false,
'wrapper_class' => 'col-xs-4',
'formWizard' => function(FormBuilderInterface $builder) {
// Here you can build your wizard
'formWizardPreSetData' => function(FormEvent $event) {
// Here you can set particular
'formWizardPreSubmit' => function(FormEvent $event) {
// Here you can manipulate the model before the persist
'formWizardOnSubmit' => function(FormEvent $event) {
// Here you can manipulate the model after the persist
), array(
'edit' => 'inline',
//'inline' => 'table',
'sortable' => 'position',
'admin_code' => 'app.admin.media',
$formMapper->add('fasce', CollectionBuilderType::class, array(
'by_reference' => false,
'wrapper_class' => 'col-xs-4',
'formWizard' => function(FormBuilderInterface $builder) use ($em) {
$companies = $em->getRepository(Company::class)->findAll();
$companyMapped = array("Select a company" => 0);
/** @var Ditta $value */
foreach( $companies as $company ) {
$companyMapped[$company->getLabel()] = $company->getId();
->add('company', ChoiceType::class, array(
'choices' => $companyMapped
'formWizardOnSubmit' => function(FormEvent $event) use ($em) {
$data = $event->getData();
/** @var PersistentCollection $items */
$items = $data['items'];
$wizard = $data['wizard'];
if( !isset($wizard['company']) || !$wizard['company'] )
$idCompany = isset($wizard['company']) ? $wizard['company'] : null;
$companyRef = $em->getReference(Company::class, $idCompany);
/** @var User[] $usersInCompany */
$usersInCompany = $em->getRepository(User::class)->findBy(array('company' => $companyRef));
foreach($usersInCompany as $user) {
$temp = new GiornataFascia();
), array(
'edit' => 'inline',
'inline' => 'table',
'sortable' => 'position',
'admin_code' => 'app.admin.giornata_fascia',
Extra options
inherit all the extra property of the PimpedCollection field
Name | Type | Default | Description |
formWizard | function | null | Classe del campo es. per riconoscerlo |
formWizardPreSetData | function | null | Se devo avere la conferma nella cancellazione diretta |
formWizardPreSubmit | function | null | Se devo avere la conferma nella cancellazione diretta |
formWizardOnSubmit | function | null | Se devo fare la cancellazione diretta |
With this class you can add some useful property to the collection
use Allyou\ManagementBundle\Form\Type\CustomCollectionType;
* @param FormMapper $formMapper
protected function configureFormFields(FormMapper $formMapper)
->add('medias', CustomCollectionType::class, array(
'by_reference' => false,
'wrapper_class' => 'col-xs-4'
), array(
'edit' => 'inline',
//'inline' => 'table',
'sortable' => 'position',
'admin_code' => 'app.admin.media',
Extra options
Name | Type | Default | Description |
wrapper_class | string | '' | Class attr of the div container where you can put boostrap styles |
field_class | string | '' | Class attr of the input |
direct_delete | boolean | false | If you wnat to view the trash with an immediately effect |
direct_delete_confirm | boolean | false | If you want the confirm for the cancellation |
hideDefTab | boolean | false | If you want to show the child tabs |