
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook


This repository is based on a momentum strategy described into the books Stock on the move and Trading evolved from Andreas Clenow. The strategy looks as follows:

  • From your stock universe, rank the tickers based on a momentum score
  • Allocate the positions based on volatility to have a risk-balanced portfolio
  • Rebalance the portfolio every weeks
  • Rebalance the positions every 2 week
  • Sell a stock if:
  1. it's not part of the universe anymore
  2. it's not in the top X% of the universe
  3. it's trading below its X SMA
  4. it's a gap over X%
  • Trade only if the index (SP500) is above the X SMA

This repo tries to implement this strategy, with few modifications.


This tool is for educational purposes only. No tool can replace financial market knowedge and you should USE THIS AT YOUT OWN RISK.



Create a virtual environment using conda

$ conda create --name momentum python=3.6
$ conda activate momentum

Install the package

$ python setup.py install

Verify installation

$ momentum --help
Usage: momentum [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  CLI entry point.

  --config TEXT  Config file path.  [required]
  --help         Show this message and exit.

  market-status  Get market status information.
  portfolio      Generate a new portfolio or rebalance an existing one.


Get overall market status information (SPY index)

$ momentum market-status

******* SP500 SMAs *******
|       |   value |
| 30    | 364.632 |
| 60    | 353.599 |
| 90    | 348.561 |
| 120   | 343.106 |
| 200   | 338.357 |
| TODAY | 369     |


Before creating a portfolio, we need historical data to do some calculation.

$ momentum collect --help
Usage: momentum collect [OPTIONS]

  Collect and store historical SP500 data.

  --start TEXT  Start date in Y-M-D format.
  --end TEXT    End date in Y-M-D format.
  --help        Show this message and exit.

$ momentum collect --start 2020-12-1
$ ls ~/.momentum


The configuration file (passed via --config, default to ./config.json) holds the parameters used by the engine to build the best portfolio.


  • minimum_momentum: the minimum momentum score for a stock to be considered into our calculation
  • portfolio_size: the number of individual stocks the portfolio can be composed by
  • portfolio: the size of the initial portfolio
  • trend_filter_window_far: a long window for market's momentum calculation
  • trend_filter_window_near: a short window for market's momentum calculation
  • momentum_window_near: a short window for stocks' momentum calculation
  • momentum_window_far: a long window for stocks' momentum calculation
  • exclude_days: day to skip from windwows calculation
  • volatility_window: volatility range allowed

If no --data-file is provided, the script will pull historical data for the SPY index and its components and then it will store it into the $HOME/.momentum directory.

Multiple portfolios are supported, so a name parameter must be passed.

$ momentum portfolio --help
Usage: momentum portfolio [OPTIONS] NAME

  Generate a new portfolio or rebalance an existing one.

  --execution-time TEXT         Time of portfolio calculation.
  --data-file TEXT              Pickle data file with historical records.
  --rebalance / --no-rebalance  Whether or not this is a rebalance from last

  --check / --no-check          If set, the calculated portfolio will not be

  --help                        Show this message and exit.
$ momentum portfolio test --data-file ~/.momentum/data/sp500-20190101-20201226.data

******* NEW PORTFOLIO *******
|           |   price |    value |   amount |   proposed weight |   real weight |   weight delta |   add-on increase |
| OXY       |   17.67 |   318.06 |       18 |           3.21269 |        3.1806 |       0.99883  |            0.1767 |
| TPR       |   30.85 |  1048.9  |       34 |          10.5306  |       10.489  |       0.394574 |            0.3085 |
| DVN       |   15.33 |   413.91 |       27 |           4.29499 |        4.1391 |       3.62959  |            0.1533 |
| GE        |   10.65 |   894.6  |       84 |           9.0005  |        8.946  |       0.605519 |            0.1065 |
| BKR       |   21.01 |   630.3  |       30 |           6.39993 |        6.303  |       1.5146   |            0.2101 |
| MRO       |    6.63 |   397.8  |       60 |           4.00478 |        3.978  |       0.668766 |            0.0663 |
| HAL       |   19.21 |   518.67 |       27 |           5.20949 |        5.1867 |       0.437407 |            0.1921 |
| APA       |   14.43 |   346.32 |       24 |           3.51332 |        3.4632 |       1.42645  |            0.1443 |
| NOV       |   13.5  |   486    |       36 |           4.88902 |        4.86   |       0.593629 |            0.135  |
| FANG      |   48.25 |   337.75 |        7 |           3.60842 |        3.3775 |       6.39954  |            0.4825 |
| ALB       |  149.64 |   748.2  |        5 |           7.86754 |        7.482  |       4.90041  |            1.4964 |
| FCX       |   24.79 |  1065.97 |       43 |          10.6741  |       10.6597 |       0.134902 |            0.2479 |
| WYNN      |  114.39 |   686.34 |        6 |           7.36193 |        6.8634 |       6.77177  |            1.1439 |
| PVH       |   93.82 |   656.74 |        7 |           6.86186 |        6.5674 |       4.29121  |            0.9382 |
| ALGN      |  528.03 |  1056.06 |        2 |          12.5709  |       10.5606 |      15.9915   |            5.2803 |
| TOTAL     |  nan    |  9605.62 |      nan |         100       |       96.0562 |       3.9438   |          nan      |
| CASH      |  nan    |   394.38 |      nan |         nan       |      nan      |     nan        |          nan      |
| PORTFOLIO |  nan    | 10000    |      nan |         nan       |      nan      |     nan        |          nan      |

This will create a $HOME/.momentum/portfolios/test.json file.

If the --execution-time parameter is provided, the portfolio will be built based on that date's market status.

$ momentum portfolio test --data-file ~/.momentum/data/sp500-20190101-20201226.data --execution-time 2020-7-1

******* NEW PORTFOLIO *******
|           |   price |     value |   amount |   proposed weight |   real weight |   weight delta |   add-on increase |
| CARR      |  22.61  |   859.18  |       38 |           8.71703 |       8.5918  |       1.43661  |           0.2261  |
| ETSY      | 111.21  |   889.68  |        8 |           8.92851 |       8.8968  |       0.35521  |           1.1121  |
| DISH      |  34.63  |   796.49  |       23 |           7.98523 |       7.9649  |       0.254546 |           0.3463  |
| HAL       |  12.47  |   436.45  |       35 |           4.45039 |       4.3645  |       1.92997  |           0.1247  |
| ABMD      | 255.22  |   765.66  |        3 |          10.052   |       7.6566  |      23.8302   |           2.5522  |
| PYPL      | 177.43  |  1242.01  |        7 |          13.3412  |      12.4201  |       6.90433  |           1.7743  |
| VIAC      |  23.6   |   519.2   |       22 |           5.24631 |       5.192   |       1.03527  |           0.236   |
| APA       |  13     |   351     |       27 |           3.59873 |       3.51    |       2.46556  |           0.13    |
| TSLA      | 223.926 |   671.778 |        3 |           7.13409 |       6.71778 |       5.83547  |           2.23926 |
| MPC       |  35.68  |   642.24  |       18 |           6.44995 |       6.4224  |       0.427101 |           0.3568  |
| NCLH      |  16.42  |   262.72  |       16 |           2.77136 |       2.6272  |       5.20168  |           0.1642  |
| RCL       |  50.83  |   304.98  |        6 |           3.42609 |       3.0498  |      10.9832   |           0.5083  |
| PAYC      | 320.26  |   640.52  |        2 |           7.44927 |       6.4052  |      14.0158   |           3.2026  |
| DFS       |  48.22  |   626.86  |       13 |           6.55177 |       6.2686  |       4.32205  |           0.4822  |
| GPS       |  12.47  |   386.57  |       31 |           3.89802 |       3.8657  |       0.829234 |           0.1247  |
| TOTAL     | nan     |  9395.34  |      nan |         100       |      93.9534  |       6.04662  |         nan       |
| CASH      | nan     |   604.662 |      nan |         nan       |     nan       |     nan        |         nan       |
| PORTFOLIO | nan     | 10000     |      nan |         nan       |     nan       |     nan        |         nan       |

If the --rebalance parameter is provided, the existing portfolio will be restored (stored in the $HOME/.momentum directory) and it will be adjusted based on the new market status.

$ momentum portfolio test --data-file ~/.momentum/data/sp500-20190101-20201226.data --execution-time 2020-8-3 --rebalance

******* SELL *******
|       |   price |   value |   amount |
| DISH  |   33.96 |  781.08 |       23 |
| HAL   |   14.53 |  508.55 |       35 |
| VIAC  |   25.71 |  565.62 |       22 |
| APA   |   15.72 |  424.44 |       27 |
| MPC   |   38.57 |  694.26 |       18 |
| NCLH  |   13.06 |  208.96 |       16 |
| RCL   |   47.39 |  284.34 |        6 |
| PAYC  |  288.08 |  576.16 |        2 |
| DFS   |   49.5  |  643.5  |       13 |
| TOTAL |  nan    | 4686.91 |      nan |

******* REMAINING *******
|           |   price |    value |   amount |
| CARR      |   27.62 |  1049.56 |       38 |
| ETSY      |  126.62 |  1012.96 |        8 |
| ABMD      |  308.35 |   925.05 |        3 |
| PYPL      |  197.07 |  1379.49 |        7 |
| TSLA      |  297    |   891    |        3 |
| GPS       |   13.11 |   406.41 |       31 |
| TOTAL     |  nan    |  5664.47 |      nan |
| CASH      |  nan    |  5291.57 |      nan |
| PORTFOLIO |  nan    | 10956    |      nan |

******* NEW PORTFOLIO *******
|           |   price |    value |   amount |   proposed weight |   real weight |   weight delta |   add-on increase |
| FCX       |   13.1  |   956.3  |       73 |           8.85129 |       8.72852 |       1.38707  |          0.119569 |
| TER       |   90.26 |   722.08 |        8 |           6.88284 |       6.5907  |       4.24442  |          0.823838 |
| EBAY      |   56.57 |   848.55 |       15 |           7.9957  |       7.74504 |       3.13486  |          0.516336 |
| TSCO      |  147.42 |   884.52 |        6 |           9.27055 |       8.07335 |      12.914    |          1.34556  |
| FDX       |  169.22 |   846.1  |        5 |           8.93509 |       7.72268 |      13.5691   |          1.54454  |
| AMZN      | 3111.89 |     0    |        0 |           5.41366 |       0       |     100        |         28.4034   |
| CINF      |   78.4  |   705.6  |        9 |           6.78645 |       6.44028 |       5.10083  |          0.715587 |
| LRCX      |  381.41 |   762.82 |        2 |           7.09911 |       6.96255 |       1.92359  |          3.48128  |
| NVDA      |  440.41 |   440.41 |        1 |           6.58459 |       4.01979 |      38.9515   |          4.01979  |
| TSLA      |  297    |   297    |        1 |           3.07839 |       2.71083 |      11.9399   |          2.71083  |
| ETSY      |  126.62 |   379.86 |        3 |           4.3248  |       3.46713 |      19.8316   |          1.15571  |
| ABMD      |  308.35 |   925.05 |        3 |           8.46373 |       8.44329 |       0.241507 |          2.81443  |
| CARR      |   27.62 |   718.12 |       26 |           6.64715 |       6.55456 |       1.39293  |          0.252098 |
| GPS       |   13.11 |   353.97 |       27 |           3.35591 |       3.23082 |       3.72759  |          0.11966  |
| PYPL      |  197.07 |   591.21 |        3 |           6.31075 |       5.3962  |      14.4919   |          1.79873  |
| TOTAL     |  nan    |  9431.59 |      nan |         100       |      86.0857  |      13.9143   |        nan        |
| CASH      |  nan    |  1524.45 |      nan |         nan       |     nan       |     nan        |        nan        |
| PORTFOLIO |  nan    | 10956    |      nan |         nan       |     nan       |     nan        |        nan        |