- Download
into your master node. - Run
chmod +x hadoop.sh
to make it executable. - Run
to start hadoop. - Enter namenode ip, secondary namenode ip, and datanode ip.
- Wait for installation
- It will generate
in your current directory. - Copy
to your worker nodes. - Run
chmod +x hadoop-worker.sh
to make it executable. - Run
to start installation. - Wait for installation
- Configure SSH to connect to your worker nodes (generate and add to .ssh/authorized_keys).
- Running Hadoop using
sudo ./hadoop/bin/hdfs namenode -format && ./hadoop/sbin/start-all.sh
- Make sure that you have enough space on your node.
- Make sure that current user is hadoop and has sudo permission.
- You need to configure ssh by yourselve.
- Please try to setup manually using hadoop doc for understanding setup process.