
Shell script for setup hadoop 3.3.1 on Ubuntu

Primary LanguageShell

Hadoop Script User Manual

How to use ?

  1. Download hadoop.sh into your master node.
  2. Run chmod +x hadoop.sh to make it executable.
  3. Run ./hadoop.sh to start hadoop.
  4. Enter namenode ip, secondary namenode ip, and datanode ip.
  5. Wait for installation
  6. It will generate hadoop-worker.sh in your current directory.
  7. Copy hadoop-worker.sh to your worker nodes.
  8. Run chmod +x hadoop-worker.sh to make it executable.
  9. Run ./hadoop-worker.sh to start installation.
  10. Wait for installation
  11. Configure SSH to connect to your worker nodes (generate and add to .ssh/authorized_keys).
  12. Running Hadoop using sudo ./hadoop/bin/hdfs namenode -format && ./hadoop/sbin/start-all.sh


  1. Make sure that you have enough space on your node.
  2. Make sure that current user is hadoop and has sudo permission.
  3. You need to configure ssh by yourselve.
  4. Please try to setup manually using hadoop doc for understanding setup process.