npm install -g @ggolfz/tcgen
npx @ggolfz/tcgen generate [template]
tcgen [template]
-n, --num [number]
: Number of Testcase (Optional: Default is 1)
-s, --source [source]
: Source of Template File (Optional)
-e, --extension [extension]
: File Extension (Optional: Default is 'in')
Input Lines split by \n
and each inputs split by space
Input Format : <type;condition1;condition2;...>
String Input Format : <string;minLength;maxLength>
[minLength and maxLength are optional]
Integer Input Format : <integer;minValue;maxValue>
[minValue and maxValue are optional]
Floating Input Format : <float;minValue;maxValue;digits>
[minValue, maxValue, digits are optional]
Regex Input Format : <regex;value>