Running the Project

  1. The node version used to run the project is v12.16.3
  2. An example.env file can be located in the /api project folder. Add your Yelp API key to it. and rename to ".env"
  3. Enter the API folder and run: "npm run start".
  4. Enter the UI folder and run: "npm run start".
  5. Both the API and the UI must be running simultaneously.
  6. Navigate to http://localhost:3000


  • create a frontend w/ search field.
  • create a button to submit search field.
  • store information/states.
  • make request to yelp.
  • show a list of "parking lots" from yelp.
  • show each parking lots information: name, address, an image, star rating, review count, and a link to the yelp page.
  • show a score using a score = ( number of reviews * rating ) / (number of reviews + 1)
  • hide API key somehow*
  • middleware** to perform lots of the logic.*