
Minecraft 1.12.2 Paper Fork designed for high player counts and anarchy.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Fork of 1.12.2 Paper aimed at improving server performance for anarchy servers.

I do not actively work on this due to "real life" activities. I'm willing to assistant people as possible, but a community should grow around anarchy server administration.

Nightly Link: nightly.link dev branch run


verbose: false
config-version: 1
    custom-name: true
    tamable: true
    spawner: false
    tps: 18.0
    player-count: 80
    tps: 17.0
    player-count: 90
  server-mod-name: Dionysus
fair-natural-spawns: true
tickless-block-placement: true
light-updates-max-ms-per-tick: 10
compression-level: -1
map-decoration-limit: 5
alternative-bed-mechanics: true
max-processed-nbt-size: 80000
redact-player-data: true


Anyone can contribute, even if your patches are not perfectly formated for the EmpireMC/Tuinity system. Assistant will be given to get PRs working correctly.

I want this to be a community project that will evolve as Anarchy server evolve, even if I'm not fully invested in 1.12.2 with my own communities anymore.


The Dionysus team has a Discord Server. Only Server Owners and Contributors are allowed to join. We use it to help others fix bugs and to discuss the project, but we will not provide help with exploiting issues.

Discord Banner

You may also contact nopjmp#1337 on Discord

Email is on git commits

How To (Server Admins)

Dionysus uses the same paperclip jar system that Paper uses.

You can download the latest build of Dionysus by going here.

You can also build it yourself

How To (Plugin developers)

In order to use Dionysus as a dependency you must build it yourself. Each time you want to update your dependency you must re-build dionysus.

Dionysus-API maven dependency:


Dionysus-Server maven dependency:


There is no repository required since the artifacts should be locally installed via building dionysus.



  • You need git installed, with a configured user name and email. On windows you need to run from git bash.
  • You need maven installed
  • You need jdk 1.8 to decompile and jdk 17+ installed to compile (and jre 17+ to run)
  • Anything else that paper requires to build

If all you want is a paperclip server jar, just run ./dionysus jar

Otherwise, to setup the Dionysus-API and Dionysus-Server repo, just run the following command in your project root ./dionysus patch additionally, after you run ./dionysus patch you can run ./dionysus build to build the respective api and server jars.

./dionysus patch should initialize the repo such that you can now start modifying and creating patches. The folder Dionysus-API is the api repo and the Dionysus-Server folder is the server repo and will contain the source files you will modify.

Creating a patch

Patches are effectively just commits in either Dionysus-API or Dionysus-Server. To create one, just add a commit to either repo and run ./dionysus rb, and a patch will be placed in the patches folder. Modifying commits will also modify its corresponding patch file.


The PATCHES-LICENSE file describes the license for api & server patches, found in ./patches and its subdirectories except when noted otherwise.

Everything else is licensed under the MIT license, except when note otherwise. See https://github.com/starlis/empirecraft and https://github.com/electronicboy/byof for the license of material used/modified by this project.


The fork is based off of aikar's EMC framework found here