
Conky Yahoo Finance Indicators

Primary LanguagePython


Conky Yahoo Finance Indicators



Just add the next string into your conky-startup.sh script

cd /home/$USER/.conky/YahooFinance
conky -c "/home/$USER/.conky/YahooFinance/yahoo_stock" &

Add new symbols

For add new symbols to conky indicator please use the stock_yahoo.py script. This script will update the contents of the config.json file

$ ./stock_yahoo.py -h
usage: stock_yahoo.py [-h] [-s SYMBOL] [-p] [-d DELETE]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit
  -s SYMBOL   Symbol
  -p          Purchased status
  -d DELETE   Delete symbol

Structure config.json

	"NFLX": {
        "purchased": true,
        "notify": []
  • NFLX - Symbol name
  • notify - List of prices, when reaching which a notification will appear
  • purchased - Allows you to specify whether the shares of the company are in your portfolio, for greater clarity