It is open source ebook about TensorFlow kernel and implementation mechanism, including programming model, computation graph, distributed training for machine learning.
You can obtain full latex source files of TensorFlow Internals from
You should install full texlive packages.
- Ubuntu
$ sudo apt-get install texlive-full
- MacOS
Download MacTeX.pkg, and install it.
- Windowns
Download TeX Live, and install it (see insruction).
Then you should install some missing chinese fonts. Please download missing fonts from Gitlab.
$ git clone
Then install all missing fonts.
- Ubuntu
$ sudo cp fonts/* /usr/local/share/fonts
$ sudo fc-cache
- MacOS
Import all missing fonts into fontbook, then cache all fonts.
$ sudo fc-cache
- Windows
Copy the all missing fonts into C:/WINDOWS/Fonts, then cache all fonts.
$ fc-cache
$ make
if you happen to Error begin with ?
, then press R
(not r
) and Enter
to continue.
- Mac OSX
$ open output/tensorflow-internals.pdf
- Ubuntu
$ okular output/tensorflow-internals.pdf
if no okular installed, please install it.
$ sudo apt-get install okular
- Windows
open the file from directory tensorflow-internals/output