This readme serves to give an overview of the flow of the project.
Setup the required parameters and start Simulation.
python [-h (usage)][-m single/double][-a alpha_value] [-g gamma_value] [-e epsilon_value]
[-n num_games] [-f input_file] [-s file_to_save_qtable]
-h : print out the usage
-m single/double : training modes
single - train with single paddle;
double - train with two paddles against each other
-a alpha_value : float as the learning rate
-g gamma_value : float as the discount factor of next state's utility
-e epsilon_value : float as the chance of randomly exploration
-n num_games : int as the number of games for training
-f input_file : string as the file contains different sets of parameters for training (-a,-g,-e,-n)
-s output_file : string as the .cfg file to store the trained q table
(in the case of -f, only store the table for the last set of parameters)
- The broad tasks of the Simulator are to train the agent and then test it on a real game. Ultimately, the agent is embodied in Simulator.
- During the training phase, the goal of the agent is to learn the optimal parameters to ensure as many bounces as possible.
- Training will be done over a certain number of games so the code is modulized to reuse the same code game over game.
- For testing, use the parameters learned on an actualy pong game. Keep playing till the agent loses and track the bounces.
- Sets up the Markov Decision Process that includes states, actions, (refer to the documentation for more details) to discretize the game
- Performs actions on states for example, moves the paddle up and the ball in a certain direction.
- Keeps track of 2 kinds of states - continuous and discrete.