
Exercises to improve my C++ experience.

Primary LanguageC++


Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Technology
  3. Sylabus
  4. Results


This repo was created to improve my C++ experiance(and maybe a small part of cmake). If you want to get knownleadge from my task which will be done on this repo you should have small C++ programing knownledge. The task will be some more difficult than "start c++ programing course", but not rocket science.


Modern C++(11/14/17) - like smart pointers, STL, template, optional etc.
Google test - to write unit test
CppCheck - to static code analysis
Doxygen - to create documentation
CMake - to properly build sources and know how to write cmake files.
Twitter API - to write some bot or something like this.


Get knownledge of:

  1. Polymorphism and lifce cycle of object
  2. Using try-catch blocks
  3. Using smart pointers
  4. Using thing from C++17 like optional
  5. Using class and function templates
  6. Using google test to write unit tests.
  7. Using TDD
  8. Using static code check
  9. Using doxygen to genereta documentation
  10. Using external API to figure how to using authentication and using documentation.


All of the folders in this repo have his own README. In README you will see:

  1. Description of the project
  2. design assumptions


  • Hello-world - First app with one method print hello-world and tested by gtest
  • Exercise-1 - App to present how a smart pointers work
  • Exercise-2 - Implementation one-way linked-list using smart pointers

All test in projects is created before implements methods(TDD).
All of project have own github workflows to properly deployed test(gtest) and app(cmake)