
improvment my openCV knownledge

Primary LanguagePython


Table of contents

  1. Description
  2. Technology
  3. Sylabus
  4. Results


This repo was created to improve my OpenCV experience. In this repo i will commit a small project sperate on directory. All of directory will have own README with theroy and how functions is implemented in code. To use this repo you should have a small knownledge in image processing. For example with morphology operation.


Python 3.9 - to run my py scripts
OpenCV-2 - to make operaction with vision
AruCo Markers generator - to get knownledge how AruCo markers working


Get knownledge of:

  1. Load image to variable
  2. Capture frame from camera
  3. Binarization image
  4. Morphology operation(erode, dilate, open, close)
  5. Counting object on image
  6. Get contures of object
  7. Get center of the object
  8. Locate Aruco and my own markers


All of the folders in this repo have his own README. In README you will see:

  1. Description of the project
  2. How it works(include theory step by step)
  3. Results(gif/viedo)

Money conting - is project which will show how to counting coins working
Finding tag - is project which will show how to use/detect own markers
AruCo marker - is project which will show how to use/detect aruCo markers