
Table of contents

  1. Quick Start
  2. Description
  3. Architecture
  4. To-Dos
  5. Results


Quick Build

    git clone https://github.com/GHRik/xBerry-Exercise.git 
    cd xBerry-Exercise
    mkdir build
    cd build
    cmake .. && cmake --build .

Aplication will work automatic if you open a executable file. If you want to close this console aplication write "0" and then press enter.

If cmake output exe file will not work please add file to project in any enviroment. I was using CodeBlocks with C++11 features enabled.



This aplication is simulation for a small sensor network. Sensors send data in evry and buffor is reading every 3sec. All of sensors have own thread. All of sensors write data to buffor which is a component of MainNetworkNode. This sensors write thise data to buffor using interface: MainNetworkListener. Using MainNetworkListener , MainNetworkNode can read buffor date.



Architecture was created to be easy expandable. For example if you would like to add new sensor , you should registry this sensor in SensorMenager and and write class support for this sensor.

Above you will see a some examples of use cases in this architecture.


Start Program

Write to buffer



Considering that the application works to increase security and stability, a few more things like:

  1. Write unit tests - cmake and aplication is prepared so if unit tests would appear, just add them in the "tests" directory
  2. ErrorCodes - Most of the time the program used ErrorCode when the value was returned by the function. However, due to insufficient time, many snippets of code do not use ErrorCode at all.
  3. Sensors should not write to the buffer directly through one interface. This causes the problem that if, for example, the data type changed, there would be a need to change the sensor code.
  4. The logger should write to the file and not to the standard output.
  5. Not supported in several places of nullpointer occurrence
  6. Sometimes aplication crashing after run all of services. - DONE

